Image 1 I originally started a map called Alcatraz (was going to be a prison map) this was early on in UEFN I didn’t understand what I was doing, decided to do an FFA sci-fi based shooter and saved it as Indominus
So now I want to use some parts of that map and totally overhaul the layout and make it TDM, I previously called the map Indominus_TDM and deleted everything from the map so that is blank
Have an Indominusv2 file but did not understand the system and have since done another Indominus_PVP_TDM so as you can see I have created a mess, these all have a delete option but flags up with the next image so this is one thing I could do with some help on please.
So on trying to delete Indominusv2 I get the image above, unsure what the 13 things are that are referenced I clicked on that and doesn’t do anything - I am not going to Force but could do with further info if anyone has some spare time and is kind enough to help me understand further.
Lets say I use the file Indominus_PVP_TDM this shows as 95% when opened it is the exact same Indominus FFA map and I want to turn it into TDM and do a lot of work so first thing would be to start deleting items (see next image)
If I were to delete that square item from modeling which is located in the folder named TerstMaps where the modeled items are stored, would this also delete the same item from the Indominus FFA map - is this TestMaps folder shared across ever SaveAs map from the original?
I plan on deleting a lot of stuff but wanting to ask for some help before I do this as tried before and lots of items went missing from the map when I deleted from this folder on another project.
Also once a map is published through UEFN if you deleted the map from the editor does the published version still stay available?
I have heard people mention moving folders with maps and then do work on them and alter the map a lot but have no experience with this so wondering for anyone who understands the above what would be the best way to go about this?
Thank you in advance for anyone that can help.