it is possible to save the position (e.g. location, rotation, scale) of all actors in level. The names of the actors should not be taken into account, it should save all actors completely. So that you don’t have to constantly adapt, change or expand the blueprint.
Thanks in advance!
So, when you save the game, all actors and their positions should be saved automatically.
February 23, 2022, 10:36am
You can’t save actors . You can only save their data. That’s how the default system works.
If you’re looking for something more nuanced:
WHAT is Savior:
This is a major update for the “Auto-Save Game” system I’ve been maintaining up on Unreal Marketplace for last couple years.
Focused on performance and data reach, I’ve totally scrapped original code and wrote this version from scratch, implementing a fully custom serialization engine that made possible for me to achieve the goal of moving away from the built-in ‘FArchive’ system and it’s ’ << ’ operator constraints. The reasons why I moved away from the internal FArchive ope…
can I connect it to my MainMenu?
February 23, 2022, 10:50am
Connect what to the MainMenu? I want to say yes , though.
July 10, 2023, 3:02pm
How would i make it so that the game loads those actors at the locations?