Satoru Iwata dead at 55


Rest in peace kind sir.

Such a shame. Rest in peace indeed. =(

“Video games are meant for just one thing. Fun. Fun for all.”

Brought some of the best games in the industry which also brought the best memories. R.I.P.

Yeah, it seems he was an amazing man. There will be generations of people remembering him. RIP.

This man had a passion for games and game development.

We need more of him in the industry, not less.

I wish his family the best, he will be missed.

EDIT: I found this comment of EUROGAMER and figured I’d share it…

"It’s touching to see all the game developers paying respect on Twitter and other mediums. Bungie, Treyarch, Warren Spector, countless others.

There’s something to learn here. When you look beyond the superficial “console wars” and who’s better than who, when you look past the shady dealings of gigantic publishers, and you look at the developers, you realize what the games industry truly is. We are a unified community of hobbyists and developers all trying to do one thing: create, and experience, new types of fun.

Iwata’s death isn’t a loss to Nintendo. He’s a loss to all of us. A visionary and champion of a different view. And you can disagree with that, but you simply can’t deny its importance.

This is one of the most painful losses the video game industry has ever experienced, so let’s learn from it. Learn to respect each other. And as always, love the games you play, regardless of who made them.

Because Iwata loved the medium itself. And so do we."

Tis a sad day for gamers and gamemakers everywhere. :frowning:

**** He died young!

Sit tibi terra levis.