Hello guys,
I’ve been working on these photorealistic sandbag walls for a while now (Filled them up and scanned them last summer) but now they’re finally finished and I would dare say that they turned out quite well and are ready for release shortly.
See all the models here on Sketchfab
A set of nine high quality and detailed sandbag wall meshes for use in games or renders.
All meshes include LODs and collision. LOD zero is between eight and thirteen thousand triangles for most meshes.
The textures are in .tga format and 4096x4096 in resolution with additional detail textures of 512x512 resolution. Ambient occlusion and dirt masks are placed in the normal map blue and alpha channels and the roughness textures are placed in the albedo alpha channel to reduce texture fetches in the shader. There is an additional shader and texture for some of the damaged sandbags that has alpha in it to create some of the lose threads that break up the silhouette.
The base textures can be scaled down easily without major loss of quality due to the detail textures used in the shader.
All textures have been balanced to work well with PBR and realistic lighting conditions.
The UVs of each mesh are uniquely laid out with no overlapping in UV set 1. The lightmap UVs in UV set 2 are generated through UE4.
The sandbags are using a master shader that control material instances for each sandbag wall, allowing you to tweak only the master shader to have the changes apply to all sandbags at once.
The master shader has a connection to a material parameter collection called MPC_Wetness that can be exposed to blueprints and sequencers and changed in real-time to make the sandbag shader turn wet over time.
&stc=1 &stc=1 &stc=1 &stc=1 &stc=1 &stc=1Specifications
Number of Materials: Two unique, nine instances.
Do Materials derive from a Master Material with instances as variation: Yes
Number of Textures: 28
Texture Resolution (complete list):
- T_SandbagWall_01_Albedo 4096x4096
- T_SandbagWall_01_M 2048x2048
- T_SandbagWall_01_NormalOM 4096x4096
- T_SandbagWall_02_Albedo 4096x4096
- T_SandbagWall_02_M 2048x2048
- T_SandbagWall_02_NormalOM 4096x4096
- T_SandbagWallCorner90_01_Albedo 4096x4096
- T_SandbagWallCorner90_01_M 2048x2048
- T_SandbagWallCorner90_01_NormalOM 4096x4096
- T_SandbagWallCorner90_02_Albedo 4096x4096
- T_SandbagWallCorner90_02_M 2048x2048
- T_SandbagWallCorner90_02_NormalOM 4096x4096
- T_SandbagWallDestroyed_01_Albedo 4096x4096
- T_SandbagWallDestroyed_01_M 2048x2048
- T_SandbagWallDestroyed_01_NormalOM 4096x4096
- T_SandbagWallEnd_01_Albedo 4096x4096
- T_SandbagWallEnd_01_M 2048x2048
- T_SandbagWallEnd_01_NormalOM 4096x4096
- T_SandbagWallLong_01_Albedo 4096x4096
- T_SandbagWallLong_01_M 2048x2048
- T_SandbagWallLong_01_NormalOM 4096x4096
- T_SandbagWallLong_02_Albedo 4096x4096
- T_SandbagWallLong_02_M 2048x2048
- T_SandbagWallLong_02_NormalOM 4096x4096
- T_SandbagWallDetail_01_Normal 512x512
- T_SandbagWallDetailDirt_01_Albedo 512x512
- T_SandbagWallDetailDirt_01_Normal 512x512
- T_SandbagWallThreds_01_Albedo_A 512x512
Engine Compatibility: 4.14.3
Intended Platform: PC, Console and Mobile
Platforms Tested: PC
Documentation Included: No
Important\Additional Notes: Showcase renders were created in a dynamic lighting environment with custom color correction and lighting settings from the overview scene.
Price: 24 USD (+5 USD VAT where applicable)