samsung testlab problem ( apk and obb)


I finally packaged a project succesfully and now I have the apk and obb file. Now I want to test my game’s performance on other devices so I tried samsung’s testlab here:

I can upload and install the apk file but when i try to run it, it says that it cant find the obb file . then I tried to upload the obb file as well but it wont appear on the programs list and doesn’t solve the problem here’s how you can install an app. right click on top of the phone and choose applications .

I will be appreciated if you help to test my game on samsung testlab

and here is my packaging settings

Any ideas how to install an apk along with obb on a virtual android device?

I found out that I have to copy the obb file in the sdcard\android\obb
but after that it still says that it cant find the obb file…

any ideas?

The oob file has to be in the correct folder as well. The folder name should mimic your Android Package Name in Project Settings > Platforms > Android. EG: com.YourCompany.MYGAME