Samsung Note 5 lighting is blown out compared to Samsung S6

Anyone else having an issue of lighting being overly bright and blown out when deploying an ETC2 build to the Note5? I deployed the same build to the S6 and it looks perfectly fine. Using 4.11 preview.

Do you have the same issue with 4.10?

I have not tested it on 4.10 but will make a new test project when I get a chance to see. I just upgraded my phone to Note5 and didn’t expect to run into this after successful deployments to the s6.

Xerafel, are you using a directional light (stationary) in your scene?

Have picture of the scene?

KRushin, I’m using all static lights. I attached some screenshots. The first one is the android preview from the editor, but it looks very close to what I get on the s6. The 2nd one is a screenshot saved from my Note5 with the blown out lighting. I deployed the same build to both phones, so I’m not sure what could be causing this on the Note5. I checked both phone settings too and both seem similar and are updated, using Android version 5.1.1 if that is of any help. I’ll test tomorrow with 4.10 to see if I get the same issue.

4.11 preview is giving me weird light issues in PIE. Though I have not noticed it on Android itself. Do test it on 4.10.

Tested on 4.10 and it still has the same issue :(. Not sure what it is about the Samsung Note5.