Same game, performance varies extremely on different devices| UE5

Hello, so I have created a game in UE5 and am almost done with building the level, at least static mesh-whise, and wanted to try it out and packaged it and tested it on a few different devices.
Weirdly enough, on some it works like a charm, on others it is just not working at all.
To be exact, I tested it on my own device, RTX 3090, AMD Ryzen 9 5950X, 64Gb Ram, windows 10,and it worked like a charm, looked just like it did within the editor, lumen looked nice, everything was great and no issues.
And still, the level so far only contains around 3000 actors, which are all static meshes, and very very simple shaders aswell.
Then I tested it on an old laptop of mine, GTX 1060 TI, also windows 10, and the GPU ussage was at 1% maybe for the game and it ran at almost 50 fps no problem, CPU at ~20%.

THEN though, a friend of mine tested it on their pc with an RTX 2070, AMD Ryzen 5 2600, and it was able to run at around 60fps, but now had 90%+ GPU ussages suddenly, and it was tested with the same files.
Then I tested it on another laptop, windows 11 now, with a processor intern graphics card, AMD, and it not only went to 95%+ GPU ussage, but now suddenly the lighting looked totally different aswell, as
if lumen was suddenly disabled. The game was running at around 1 FPS.
Then I tested on another two windows 10 laptops, the first one had an Nvidia GeForce MX250 and now looked fine again and was at around 1% GPU again, the other one had a graphics card integrated into the processor
and ran at 95%+ GPU, and now the lights looked again like lumen was disabled. Still both ran at around 1FPS.

Now, I dont have much experience with this so I am asking here, if someone knows maybe how I could profile this or what this specific issue is.
I dont have much experience with profiling aswell.
To me now, the only constant aspect I can see within this, is that lumen seeming disabled suddenly and GPU at 90%+ also seems to happen everytime the graphics card is integrated into the processor.
I have no idea though why suddenly the RTX 2070 has these issues, while the RTX 3090 and a 6 year old GTX 1060 TI have no problems whatsoever.
Would appreciate it a lot if someone could maybe help mee

As far as I can see, from what you have here, it won’t run properly on machines with an integrated GPU. That’s to be expected ( in most cases ).

I’m guessing, that you’re using the task manager to figure how busy the GPU is, which is a bit like try to figure out how busy New York is by dangling a microphone out of a window. The FPS is probably a better guide :slight_smile:

When the lighting looks totally different, Lumen is probably off, which might also mean, the target hardware isn’t running a recent enough DX version.

The hardware, that had this specific “not looking like lumen” issues all had DX 12, any other ideas what might cause this?
Also again, while a GTX 1060 TI and an RTX 3090 had no problems whatsoever and a GPU with like a few percentages, the RTX 2070 went up to 90%+ and yes I know, windows task manager is not the most trustworthy source, but the 2070 also went wild with the fans, so it does seem to me like the 2070 is really hit a lot more perfromancewhise than the GTX 1060 TI and the RTX 3090, I am probably gonna focus on this part of the problem for now, do you perhaps have maybe any ideas why this might be the case or what I could do to figure that out?

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