Hello to all I am proyecting the musical design of a game level. I already compose some loops for the menús but now I am thinking in a more dinamic piece for the level.

I am thinking in a static bassline with an interchangeable kit of melodys triggerd in random order. Could you suggest me some ideas to doit in the mos efficient way???


do you mean to play random melodie in random? if yes then you need to make a SOUND CUE then add the blueprint in the picture below then on your character you add for e.g on begin play, play sound 2d with the sound cue it should after that when you play your level on this exemple it will choose a sound in the 3 sound i added to the random cue (it will need some work to make the trigger to load an other sound) maybe for e.g using custom event

As it looks like your using 4.27, I’d recommend looking into Quartz also, will be useful for this

Ok. Thanks