I am a seller and I noticed the daily sales report page is gone. No reporting solution is currently available. And where do we get the sales stats for yesterday? Will it show on the old V3 platform?
Why was this platform launched when it’s clearly not finished…
Confused as to where the sales report is located also.
The old sales report portal (Publisher Portal) is still active and seems to be the only way to see FAB sales for now, Epic said proper sales report will launch “later this month” on FAB
This might be intentional because they might’ve wanted to close the October revenue on the previous platform and not divide it into two databases and cause extra confusion with two separate payments or one payment as a whole and stuff.
That’s why they want to launch the report page on Fab at the end of this month.
But I agree it was launched unfinished. Last night I was refreshing the browser and then out of nowhere, the “Verify Order” button popped up in the menu.
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