Sales model against game and asset piracy.

As an advertisement? In the US money generated from ads looks somewhat good, except we’re talking euros on thousands of 30 second ads. I made a huge mod for the stalker series RoadToTheNorth which does accept donations but I don’t ask for them and I don’t own rights to the stalker series. Of course I ended up paying for my own mod :slight_smile: server costs, backups, hardware, web hosting. If you want to get money you have to actively look for it and it must be allowed. Looking at it that way, people showing their butts earn more in general -_- that’s where the business side is required to play it smart, otherwise there simply won’t be any money.

Yes because it is an entirely different, separate side. The business does not necessarily need the product, but the product needs the business.

There are plenty, I’m just going to dump a list from my dutch research here since it’s on topic. Blame google translate for anything weird. Some models reduce risk of piracy somewhat but you can review them below.

7.1 Hourly invoice

You pass on your hours worked to the customer. This revenue model is mainly used by entrepreneurs in the service sector. Insight into your fixed and variable costs helps you calculate the right rate.

 7.2 Transaction Model or Sale of Goods

The customer pays you per purchased product. Consider, for example, market trading. This is the best known and simplest model. Building a long-term relationship with the customer, such as with the subscription model or service model, can be difficult with this model.

 7.3 Free Model or Freemium

For example, you provide software or a service to users without them paying for it. Online search engines, social media channels, and weather forecasting apps are well-known examples of a freemium. You then let your customers pay for a more extensive version or earn money by making advertising space available.

 7.4 Service Model

You sell your product or service for a not too high amount and your turnover mainly comes from service, repair or maintenance. This model is especially popular with the manufacturing industry, IT companies and the construction and installation industry. The advantages are a stable turnover and sustainable customer relationships.

 7.5 Bait model

You sell your product for a relatively low price and then earn money by selling suitable supplies. Well-known examples are: coffee makers, razor blades and printers.

7.6 Subscription Model

The customer pays a fixed amount and in return gets access to your product or service. When you think of the subscription model, you quickly think of magazines, streaming services and gyms, but underwear and meal boxes also lend themselves perfectly to this model. A major advantage of the subscription model is that customers usually pay in advance. As a result, you already know what your turnover is for a certain period.

 7.7 Advertising Model

With this model, you earn not so much from the sale of your product or service, but mainly from advertising revenue. Think of magazines and websites.

 7.8 Online Platform Model

Supply and demand meet on your app or website. Think of platforms for jobs or a marketplace for used clothing. You earn money through an agreed amount or percentage that you receive upon registration or per transaction.

 7.9 Product-as-a-service (PAAS)

You do not sell a product, but the services and their use. You do this, for example, through leasing, deposits and sharing. More and more products are offered as a service. The aim is to ensure that products, raw materials and residual materials retain their value.

 7.10 Personalization

You make custom products and add emotional value. Think of clothing, glasses and sneakers. You can distinguish yourself from competitors in creativity, quality, speed and price.

 7.11 User designed model

Customers put together their own product on your website or design a product themselves, using your software. For example photo books or wallpaper.

7.12 Consignment

You sell your products through another entrepreneur. This model is common in the art trade. The artworks remain your property until they are sold. In exchange for exhibiting your artwork, the gallery receives a percentage of the sale or a fixed amount per product sold.

 7.13 Consumption model

The more someone uses, the higher the bill. Consider, for example, cloud services where users pay for the amount of storage they think they need.

 7.14 Production Model

You produce something on behalf of the customer, so custom work. For example, a machine for a food manufacturer. With this model, make sure that the customers expectations and what you can deliver match well.

 7.15 Drop Shipping

You sell products via an online marketplace, social media channel or your own webshop. You place orders directly to the supplier and have the goods delivered directly to the customer. So you dont have to keep stock and set up a logistics process yourself.

 7.16 Webshop

You sell products through your own online store. This is the most famous online revenue model. Advantages: you can reach a larger target group than with a physical store and you can expand your range more easily.

 7.17 Rental Model

You offer products that customers can rent. Think of cars, machines or tools. The items remain your property, which means that you can offer the same product over and over again. Do take into account costs for maintenance, insurance and storage.

 7.18 Affiliate Marketing

You promote products or services of other companies on your website. Will there be a customer contact or purchase? Then you will receive a percentage or agreed amount.

 7.19 Premium

The user pays a one-off amount to gain access to your online product. This model works well when demand is high and competition is low. Think of commonly used software licenses and popular games.

 7.20 License Model

You rent the property rights of your product to other companies. With your permission and against payment, they may, for example, print mugs and T-shirts with your logo.

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