Safe speed for projectile speed?

I recently found out that the projectile speed is measured in cm/s, and units are in cm. So, trying to use a realistic measurement, projectiles are broken.

The default speed is 6000 which means 60 m/s. A projectile with 500 m/s initial speed should have 50000. As far as I know this kind of speed has some problems with collisions due to it being checked every frame. So, higher speeds means it will ignore some collisions.

In Rust, the first x units, the gun shoots a line trace, then spawns a projectile at the end of the trace. How do I know when to spawn the projectile? What’s the safe speed for a projectile so it doesn’t make any trouble?

How do other games achieve a smooth projectile movement? How is a tracer round looking smooth when making the transition from linetrace to projectile?

Hi there,

For single player games, I learned a good limit is about 11,000 or 110 cm/s. For multiplayer games, it seems the best practice is the use of line traces (“hit scans”) rather than projectiles.

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I completely understand why line traces are recommended, but if I intend to use a more complex “bullet”, I don’t know how to approach things with hit scans. For example how do I simulate gravity, and drag on a hit scan bullet? How do I make it curve? Maybe I want to attribute a certain dimension and weight to the bullet. I don’t want a huge artillery shell go through a crack in a ceiling because the line trace doesn’t detect collision…

Is there some sort of documentation about how different games approach projectiles?

You can manage all the bullet logic with line or sphere traces with some vector math and have them data driven on a single actor.

Here is a quick example:

This works a lot better in c++, though. In this example we might skip an array element with the swap, in BP that can be fixed with a While loop and conditionally ++… but it’s just to communicate the idea.


Thank you for the information! I’ve looked a bit at the blueprint, and I see some nodes that I’ve never used or even knew about. Such as the math expressions, setting members and getting data table.

It seems like the right path, but I need time to dissect the BP, and absorb the information to be able to use it further.
Do you have any recommendations for some learning materials? I have some UE knowledge, but I’m always hitting a brick wall when making more complex stuff. I ignored coding in C++ to accommodate with UE interface and BPs, but perhaps it’s time to switch to C++. Haven’t coded in C++ in 2 years, so any recommendations are welcome.

Thanks again for the information!

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The above example can be expanded a lot further.

I’ve found that the more confident I get with math, the easier everything else becomes. So rather than dedicating time in learning what X node does, git gud with math / problem solving and the rest should fall into place.

Here are some recommendations: