's stuff

I’ve been spending days and days trying to get something that looks close to .
I have absolutely no idea how you did , even after reading all your posts , all your settings, dissecting all the scenes you so kindly shared with the community.

How are you able to get such nice dark shadows under the airconditioning machines without a strong (sun)light precence in the scene , for example.
How on earth do you get everything so sharp ?

Is there a postprocessing volume doing some contrasting work , or is plain vanilla UE4?

Sorry for all the questions. I’m just in awe.

you are right I also would like to know those things

Fair enough, but then, in the spirit, and as an omage to the authors selfless gift, providing the source/changed scenes seems like an equally fair trade off.

Hey ,

I don’t plan on using your content for reals, but I thought I’d mess around with it in my hobby project! I kind of butchered the scene, I put minimal effort into migrating the assets and the original scene is super-tiny so I had to kind of scale it up and mutilate it a bit… but you’ve inspired my goals for environments!


PS: I’m amazed by how simplistic the scene really is! Just gorgeous textures and great composition!

1st thing I did with 's scene was to convert it to 100% static and baked!!! Got almost identical results running at twice the fps!!! :slight_smile:

How did you get lighting to build? I’ve set lights to static but only navigation builds when I click it.

EDIT: You have to enable static lighting in the project settings tab!

^ And add a lightmass important volume, or you won’t get any bounce lighting.

Wow that’s super cool! Battlezone one of my favorite games, always wanted to see it on next-gen!

go to your Project setting in rendering category ( You’ll see the option that you need to enable )

:slight_smile: thank you

It’s s shame the snow trees do not make use of LoDs. It could increase performance significantly.

It’s s shame the snow trees do not make use of LoDs. It could increase performance significantly.

why a shame ??? is an Environement & Lighting Artist . and as an hobby He decided to make beautiful scene . His goal is to make things look gorgeous ( when he made those scene , Probably the reason why he use UE4 is because it as one of the best / versatile / and complex real-time rendering engine with all the flow graph and shaders… I think that for him the most important is that it look good and run in real-time .

Still a shame, if there were LoDs those trees would be game ready.

… ok you are weird… they doesn’t need to be

Just want to show how 's PostFX looks good for metal objects close to the camera. Gun feels cold.

I really admire everything you’ve done, . Your works have been a massive inspiration as well as motivation for learning UE4.

Could you possibly comment on how did you implement wind inside projects? I seem to get no wind with content using WindDirectionalSource during Matinee Movie.


Merci pour le projet de neige c’est cool de donné ca gratuitement tu gere mec.

WHAT! How do you even do ! ITS BEEAAAUTIIFFUL!

At first I thought you simply posted some pictures of some pretty trees, BUT YOU CREATED THESE PRETTY TREES!

Great stuff man, I am really impressed! c:

Can I have a question, how much RAM do I need to run project? I have 32GB of RAM but look like it’s not enough, run out of RAM all the time :(.

Hi and thank you all !
Sunchaser :
How are you able to get such nice dark shadows under the airconditioning machines without a strong (sun)light precence in the scene , for example.
How on earth do you get everything so sharp ?*
You need to lower the “Static Lighting Level Scale” value under Lightmass settings (I think I use 0.35 for image).

EvertL :
Could you possibly comment on how did you implement wind inside projects? I seem to get no wind with content using WindDirectionalSource during Matinee Movie.

You need to wait like 20s before the wind is fully active.

*golemsmk :
Can I have a question, how much RAM do I need to run project? I have 32GB of RAM but look like it’s not enough, run out of RAM all the time :(. *
**Weird, I have only 24Go …

And here’s my latest scene :

https://farm2.staticflickr/1676/25232416055_d8a81edf46_z.jpgUE4 - Field by , sur Flickr

