Google Drive link would be appreciated. Dropbox seems to have shut off access to the link
I’ve uploaded it on mega, I hope it’s better than dropbox.
Thank you very much, my french friend
It´s very helpul and I really, really appreciate your work. And good luck with your cats!
Where is mega link?
Can’t find the link. And why moderators deleted my post O_o
First of all thank you so much for all your work in ArchViz and for the downloadable scenes (including the old marketplace one).
I didn’t even know thread existed until now (knew about the old one).
You’ve really helped to inspire me in my own art projects and have taught me so much, so thank you once again and keep the great coming.
Thank you for link
Edit : OK Sorry now the link work just fine :eek:
My bad … it’s fixed now.
Amazing! Thank you, !
I’m afraid I still get the encryption key request, has anyone else made a download link yet?
EDIT : Was using wrong link - apologies.
Thank you so much ! I’ll be studying scene
Beautiful stuff, thank you so much for sharing
For the ground material, is there some reason you are not using Adaptive Tesselation, and instead setting Tesselation multiplier yourself?
Also, I would love to get hold of the project for the forest scene, or even just see the Substance materials…
Beautiful as always… I want moorreee…
The maga link gives error, anyone else experiencing the same?
Would really appreciate another link to download.
Says the file has been removed
I’ve removed the old mega link.
I have released the scene too fast and totally forgot about EULA.
But guys are really cool and they proposed to put the scene for free on their store, so you can get it here : https://store…com/product/koolas-snow-example-project-ue4/
You sir, are a true . The last time I was blown away with CG was when I saw Roman’s “The Third & Seventh”. And that was a while ago…
I had some free time . I took the SNOW MAP ( available for download ) then I came with .
*( I made a little Snow Texture in Substance Designer )
*( I Relight using Only real-time lighting )
*( I Replaced the ground texture with mine )
*( I Added some emissive power on the snow of the original tree textures )
My version
My texture ( Previewed in Marmoset )
Original version ( from )
I hope you like it
^ I like to see variations personally. If that’s competition it seems to be quite friendly.
my goal wasn’t to compete
like I said at the beginning of my post . ( I had some free time )
so decide to make a snow texture . then I wanted to put it somewere so I took the map from and putted my texture on it. then I start tweaking the thing
I was happy with the result, and at the end it looked good for me so I wanted to share it with to show him how his map served me as a Base for my texture .
and just to tell you something …
( one of my friend ( Lead Lighting artist at Ubisoft FR . and the other ( Lead Artist at Cloud Imperium ) told me that my work is very comparable to what did ( in term of graphic quality ) ( but still my goal is not to compare ( I am just 17 years old IM NOT A PRO ) just to say thank to in my own way )