's Melee Weapon Plugin, Custom C++ PhysX Coding For You! ♥

@LordPomp It works on mac… Just add plugin to project and build your game… may need to add it to whitelist to compile

@ Launcher says Melee Plugin for 4.21 is live… but when I click link to install nothing happens…

Hi , I getting a real strange issue in UE 4.22.2. Maybe it started earlier and I did not see it but now I get cases where


Sometimes fail. I hold a weapon hitting a cube which I have setup to allow weapon to hit. It will fire sometimes a hit and sometimes it fails to hit and then is fires a hit again. It looks like the function: SweepSingleByObjectType is not always returning a hit when called repeatedly.

Do you know why this is now happening?

I can see from the collision analyzer this is in fact a failure of SweepSingleByObjectType not reporting a hit when it should. Just wondering if you every ran into this issue yourself.

Looks like is not working on this plugin anymore, he doesn’t answer emails or comments in the store and his last post here is from last year. If you find a way to fix the SweepSingleByObjectType problem, please share it (i have tried some things myself but nothing works).

SweepSingleByObjectType is passed TraceParams.bTraceComplex = true; I have not tested my think yet but I’m wondering if setting this to false would solve the problem. I’ll let you know once I have had a chance to retest with this set to false.

Hey @can you please guide me how can I change the mesh component from character blueprint with your skeletal mesh component? Right now I use it as second mesh but I would like to replace the default one.
Like overite the component :). Thank you!

I will answer myself to my question so maybe someone will need it :).

So in .h file (header file where the declarations are)


// Sets default values for this character’s properties
AMainCharacter(const FObjectInitializer &ObjectInitializer);

and in .cpp file

AMainCharacter::AMainCharacter(const FObjectInitializer &ObjectInitializer)
: Super(ObjectInitializer.DoNotCreateDefaultSubobject(ACharacter::MeshComponentName))
// Set this character to call Tick() every frame. You can turn this off to improve performance if you don’t need it.
PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;

then Compile and restart the Editor then you can see that the mesh is removed.

  • I am having problems compiling the Melee Plugin with Chaos enabled in a custom engine build - should the plugin work with chaos enabled?

It is failing on GetPxScene() which doesnt exist on the chaos physics interface anymore

Thanks for any insight

Hi there @OptimisticMonkey , are you still having this issue?

Custom engine builds are harder for me to support since I would need to get the build to debugging effectively, but I could try to make some educated guesses using any contextual code you can provide.

Please email me using the UE4 Marketplace developer address or PM me if you wish to provide project sensitive informaiton


Hey buddy, i left a question on your marketplace regarding this, but i figured this is the more proactive place to leave any such messages. First off, great work on this, and your other products…
For the question though, what would be the ideal way to apply this to a full body skeletal mesh?

Similar to **Ion Cocarcea’s **question, after adding your skeletal mesh as a dummy character with custom feet/hands physics phat asset, it works fine, until it’s set to follow a master pose component., which is the games core/main character class mesh.

When the master pose is set, the collision draw’s disappear completely. You’re welcome to try and recreate this. Just set your melee skeletal mesh to be the mannequin character and set master/pose to the main class mesh, and collisions go blank. Might be something I’m missing on my end though.

Let me know what you think, any help is much appreciated as always.

Amazing plugin ! We use it in full scale melee battles and it works great.

The new install you can make from Epic Launcher, UE4.26CHAOS build, currently crashes with for us due to not finding a PhysX handle. So makes you wonder if PhysX is available in Chaos builds at all ?

This crash occurs when you try to start a 4.26 project with the CHAOS Editor:


The procedure entry point
?GetPhysicsActorHandle@FBodyInstance@@QEAAAEAUFPhysicsActorHandle_PhysX@@XY could not be located in the dynamic link library

Hi ,

I want to determine the direction the target was hit from. Is there a built-in function in your plugin-in that can output the hit direction?