I am happy to announce my Melee Plugin is now on the marketplace!
At the most basic level this plugin makes adding a melee weapon system to your game literally plug-and-play!
You have total control of what parts of the melee swing animation can do damage, so that wind ups and wind downs, which dont have much momentum, don’t damage enemies or the environment.
As a more advanced feature, this plugin allows you to create a UE4 physics asset for your weapon, and specify which parts of the weapon do damage.
So you could have a long ax handle that should rebound off of the environment, rather than passing through enemy weapon handles or environmental structures, but not do any damage.
You could also have a weapon that has two distinct portions that do damage, and no other parts do damage, like a two headed ax, which I demo in my video series!
You can use my plugin without any C++ knowledge, everything is entirely controllable and designed to be controlled in UE4 Blueprints.
Sure! My entire system is designed to be used in Blueprints, and I give you the damage event when the melee weapon makes contact. You can tie that BP event to any damage reporting system that you want
Yes you can trigger enabling of physics, but keep in mind that ragdolls are not replicated by UE4 yet so you can’t guarantee where the ragdoll will go.
However you can easily get away with partial ragdoll, for dynamic recoils
I have an answerhub solution on Partial Ragdoll here:
Yes it is multiplayer friendly, you can choose whether to run the sweep checks on the server only or allow the client to do their own checks.
The decision is entirely within your power to make, as I simply give you the tools and you can choose which way you want to go (Server authoritative or client-side)
In this video I show you how to import any weapon asset for use with my plugin, setup the physics asset, and then customize which parts of your weapon do damage!
I also show you how you can easily visualize how a weapon will attach to the player character, and refine the exact appearance using UE4’s Socket system!
Here is a recent question that I thought would be useful for prospective buyers to know the answer to!
“Hello i just purchased your melee weapon plugin and i have a question , what is the difference from your plugin shape swipes and adding collision boxes to a mesh and swipe with those? except for hiting a bone”
The difference is mainly performance.
Adding collision boxes involves creating actor components and attaching them to other components, it is very inefficient. Especially when rapid movement is involved!
I am using the low-level physics structure of the Physics Asset (for skeletal meshes), and those primitives are created directly in the physX scene by UE4 Engine in very efficient fashion.
How to Use My Plugin Multiplayer / PvP / Networking / Replication
Dear Community,
Regarding Multiplayer / Replication:
All you have to do is decide whether you want server-only sweeps, or if you want to allow client to sweep too and then verify with server version.
My toolkit is utterly simple to use and yet gives you the power to make these network decisions yourself.
Please see the main picture of my plugin, there’s only 3 nodes you need to implement and it is all in Blueprints.
It’s so easy to do that I think you might see this and think something is missing, but there’s nothing missing, it is just for you to attach HasAuthority switches and only do damage / do sweeping on the server, or decide if you want a faster no-lag reaction check done locally that is verified by server version