Hi everyone,
Using RVTs in Unreal 5.3.2, I wanted to slightly manipulate UVs coming out from the RVT Sampler node. My question is pretty straightforward :
What is the default value in the input UVs from the RVT node?
Hi everyone,
Using RVTs in Unreal 5.3.2, I wanted to slightly manipulate UVs coming out from the RVT Sampler node. My question is pretty straightforward :
What is the default value in the input UVs from the RVT node?
ever find an answer to this?
EDIT** Actually i just figured this out…
Dont use the UVs input… instead use World Position input.
Take An Absolute World position XY… modify it like u would uvs (say add to the position or whatever) Then I appended a 0 value since it needs to be vector 3… Hook that into World position and it works.