Currently trying to set up a large map 8k x 8k using world partition, but whenever I apply my RVT landscape material and set everything up, the landscape textures become extraordinarily blurry. All of my materials & RVT setup work fine on a normal landscape or world composition landscape, so I’m thinking it might have something to do with world partition. Has anyone else tried this combo? If so, have you run into any issues?
Landscape actor in world partition actually has no bound so RVT volume will not scale and position to landscape with the “set bounds” button. You have to manualy place it and scale it to fit the exact position and scale of your landscape. After some maths I was able to find the good numbers and my landscape material looks exactly like in 4.26
What is the maths you are talking about. how does that work ? I have a huge 40000x30000 landscape and I am just getting back texture but I can see foliage. It was fine with 4.26 I had it at 2 4 and 12 2 1024 4096
I too saw that when I set RVT on a landscape with World Partition applied, it did not seem to render correctly. In my case, the reason was that I did not set the landscape material and RVT assets in the LandscapeStreamingProxy for all of the Landscape’s children. I set them up and they worked wonderfully.
Can you go into more depth of how you set the rvt’s bounds to the LandscapeStreamingProxy and for all the child landscapes? When I set it to one Proxy or the entire Landscape the rvt does not work.
Has anyone found a nice way of setting the volume to the correct scale in the Z?
You don’t need to enter a “correct Z value” for the RVT volumes. The height of your RVT volumes only have to be bigger than the height of your landscape