RunUAT Fails on building Cesium for Unreal - UE 5.0.3 - Ubuntu 20.04 - Size Mismatch

I have done builds on fresh multiple machines now, including an AWS EC2 instance, and over the past few months I consistently get this failure on a fresh clone of the cesium-for-unreal/ue5-main branch.

When running ./ BuildPlugin -Plugin="$CESIUM_FOR_UNREAL_DIR/CesiumForUnreal.uplugin" -Package="$CESIUM_FOR_UNREAL_DIR/../packages/CesiumForUnreal" -CreateSubFolder -TargetPlatforms=Linux

it fails on every file with a size mismatch error

Size mismatch /home/ubuntu/develop/cesium-unreal/extern/cesium-native/extern/KTX-Software/other_lib/mac/Debug/SDL2.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/hidapi.framework/hidapi = 23 to /home/ubuntu/develop/packages/CesiumForUnreal/HostProject/Plugins/CesiumForUnreal/extern/cesium-native/extern/KTX-Software/other_lib/mac/Debug/SDL2.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/hidapi.framework/hidapi = 130

When i execute this on my corporate VPN, which is sometimes subject to packet loss and significant latency/jitter I even get a timestamps are not valid (because it took longer than 2 seconds for the copy of the files to complete).

The resolution I have used is to modify the source code of the UE5 AutomationTool Utils so that it does not do any of these file copy verify checks. Primarily by commenting out these lines and making sure Retry is never set to True

Appreciate the help/insight and a better resolution to my hack going forward!

Resolution: doesn't produce a package · Issue #955 · CesiumGS/cesium-unreal · GitHub

the Unreal Build Tool can’t cope with the symlinks in the KTX-Software submodule.

After running the cmake build of cesium for unreal. i deleted the cesium-unreal/extern folder and was able to build the plugin with UAT.