RunUat error on Mac oSX - Failed to Launch

UE 4.7.6(also tested with UE 4.8p2, same error happends), iMac 10.10.3, ipad 4 retina, iPhone 6

I compiled project 3 minutes before this error happened and it worked. Only change i did is that i set scale box inside UMG menu and tried to compile project to test on iPad and iPhone, and then the error started:

ogPlayLevel: env: BUILD SUCCEEDED LogPlayLevel: env: LogPlayLevel: CommandUtils.Run: Run: Took 6.99598s to run env, ExitCode=0 LogPlayLevel: CommandUtils.PrintRunTime: Run: Total 201s to run UE4Editor LogPlayLevel: CommandUtils.PrintRunTime: Run: Total 6s to run LogPlayLevel: CommandUtils.PrintRunTime: Run: Total 6s to run env LogPlayLevel: Project.Package: ** PACKAGE COMMAND COMPLETED ** LogPlayLevel: InternalUtils.SafeFileExists: SafeFileExists /Users/unreal4dev/Documents/Unreal Projects/CQTest/CQTest.uproject=True LogPlayLevel: InternalUtils.SafeFileExists: SafeFileExists /Users/unreal4dev/Documents/Unreal Projects/CQTest/CQTest.uproject=True LogPlayLevel: Project.Deploy: ** DEPLOY COMMAND STARTED ** LogPlayLevel: InternalUtils.SafeFileExists: SafeFileExists /Users/unreal4dev/Documents/Unreal Projects/CQTest/CQTest.uproject=True LogPlayLevel: InternalUtils.SafeCreateDirectory: SafeCreateDirectory /Users/unreal4dev/Documents/Unreal Projects/CQTest/Saved/StagedBuilds/IOS LogPlayLevel: Project.LogDeploymentContext: Deployment Context *** LogPlayLevel: Project.LogDeploymentContext: ArchiveDirectory = IOS LogPlayLevel: Project.LogDeploymentContext: RawProjectPath = /Users/unreal4dev/Documents/Unreal Projects/CQTest/CQTest.uproject LogPlayLevel: Project.LogDeploymentContext: IsCodeBasedUprojectFile = False LogPlayLevel: Project.LogDeploymentContext: DedicatedServer = False LogPlayLevel: Project.LogDeploymentContext: Stage = True LogPlayLevel: Project.LogDeploymentContext: StageTargetPlatform = IOS LogPlayLevel: Project.LogDeploymentContext: LocalRoot = /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.7 LogPlayLevel: Project.LogDeploymentContext: ProjectRoot = /Users/unreal4dev/Documents/Unreal Projects/CQTest LogPlayLevel: Project.LogDeploymentContext: PlatformDir = IOS LogPlayLevel: Project.LogDeploymentContext: StageProjectRoot = /Users/unreal4dev/Documents/Unreal Projects/CQTest/Saved/StagedBuilds/IOS/CQTest LogPlayLevel: Project.LogDeploymentContext: ShortProjectName = CQTest LogPlayLevel: Project.LogDeploymentContext: StageDirectory = /Users/unreal4dev/Documents/Unreal Projects/CQTest/Saved/StagedBuilds/IOS LogPlayLevel: Project.LogDeploymentContext: SourceRelativeProjectRoot = CQTest LogPlayLevel: Project.LogDeploymentContext: RelativeProjectRootForStage = CQTest LogPlayLevel: Project.LogDeploymentContext: RelativeProjectRootForUnrealPak = CQTest LogPlayLevel: Project.LogDeploymentContext: ProjectArgForCommandLines = …/…/…/CQTest/CQTest.uproject LogPlayLevel: Project.LogDeploymentContext: RuntimeRootDir = /Users/unreal4dev/Documents/Unreal Projects/CQTest/Saved/StagedBuilds/IOS LogPlayLevel: Project.LogDeploymentContext: RuntimeProjectRootDir = /Users/unreal4dev/Documents/Unreal Projects/CQTest/Saved/StagedBuilds/IOS/CQTest LogPlayLevel: Project.LogDeploymentContext: UProjectCommandLineArgInternalRoot = …/…/…/ LogPlayLevel: Project.LogDeploymentContext: PakFileInternalRoot = …/…/…/ LogPlayLevel: Project.LogDeploymentContext: UnrealFileServerInternalRoot = …/…/…/ LogPlayLevel: Project.LogDeploymentContext: End Deployment Context *** LogPlayLevel: InternalUtils.SafeFileExists: SafeFileExists /Users/unreal4dev/Documents/Unreal Projects/CQTest/Saved/StagedBuilds/IOS/CQTest.ipa=False LogPlayLevel: InternalUtils.SafeFileExists: SafeFileExists /Users/unreal4dev/Documents/Unreal Projects/CQTest/Binaries/IOS/CQTest.ipa=True LogPlayLevel: BuildCommand.Execute: ERROR: BUILD FAILED

LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception: LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: ERROR: Exception in AutomationTool: Failed to create logfile /Users/unreal4dev/Library/Logs/Unreal Engine/LocalBuildLogs/DeploymentServer.999.txt. LogPlayLevel: Stacktrace: at AutomationTool.LogUtils.GetUniqueLogName (System.String Base) [0x00000] in :0 LogPlayLevel: at AutomationTool.CommandUtils.GetRunAndLogLogName (AutomationTool.CommandEnvironment Env, System.String App, System.String LogName) [0x00000] in :0 LogPlayLevel: at AutomationTool.CommandUtils.RunAndLog (AutomationTool.CommandEnvironment Env, System.String App, System.String CommandLine, System.String LogName, Int32 MaxSuccessCode, System.String Input, ERunOptions Options, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 EnvVars) [0x00000] in :0 LogPlayLevel: at IOSPlatform.Deploy (AutomationTool.ProjectParams Params, DeploymentContext SC) [0x00000] in :0 LogPlayLevel: at Project.Deploy (AutomationTool.ProjectParams Params) [0x00000] in :0 LogPlayLevel: at BuildCookRun.DoBuildCookRun (AutomationTool.ProjectParams Params) [0x00000] in :0 LogPlayLevel: at BuildCookRun.ExecuteBuild () [0x00000] in :0 LogPlayLevel: at BuildCommand.Execute () [0x00000] in :0 LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: ERROR: Failed to create logfile /Users/unreal4dev/Library/Logs/Unreal Engine/LocalBuildLogs/DeploymentServer.999.txt. LogPlayLevel: ProcessManager.KillAll: Trying to kill 0 spawned processes. LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=1 LogPlayLevel: Domain_ProcessExit LogPlayLevel: ProcessManager.KillAll: Trying to kill 0 spawned processes. LogPlayLevel: Completed Launch On Stage: Deploy Task, Time: 24.282241 LogPlayLevel: RunUAT ERROR: AutomationTool was unable to run successfully. PackagingResults:Error: Error Launch failed! Unknown Error

I deleted the scalebox, restarted engine, rebooted iMac but still unable to fix it. Anyone knows a solution to this?
There are no logs, also can’t compile any other project.

anyone have any idea whats happening ? i get same error on 4.8p2, i did reinstall UE4, but without any luck.

Hey wmbuRn,

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, and we appreciate your patience while awaiting a response. In order to assist you in an effective manner, we would like to see if you are still experiencing the issue you are reporting in engine version 4.9.2?

If so, would you mind providing some simple steps, screenshots, or any other relevant pieces of information to help us reproduce the issue on our end?

Please do not hesitate to ask questions or post any new comments in regards to the issue.

Thank you,


I’m having the same issue. I deployed the first time and it worked like a charm. Tried to deploy a second time and got this error. I’m using a Macbook Pro Early 2015 OS X 10.11.4, an iPhone 5s, Unreal 4.10.4, and XCode7.3. My log is below:

I found a work around. It is not really a fix. I had to delete my build folder, and my DefaultEngine.ini file. re-enter all my provision profile info and re-launch to my device. After doing this it worked fine, but I have to repeat the process each time I do changes in the editor and re-deploy to the device.