I’ve seen alot of similar posts talking about VS (Visual Studio) projects and how to correct the problem using that software, but seen as this is a blueprint only project I am struggling to get it to cook or package.
I have changed my “GlobalGameMode” as mentioned before, I tried running RunUAT on its own but it produces red text and instantly crashes so im not sure where the issue lies.
Here is a copy of my log when I tried cooking,
Another for when i tried Packaging.
They are contained in this .rar for some reason I couldn’t upload a .txt as an attachment :
I have also attached a picture of the RunUAT.bat depicting the errors it produces:
Here is some Logs from the project being stripped down to its potential errors, which seem to reside in the Meshes, Textures, Blueprints, Materials folder otherwise without them the project can cook without fail even though the map contains no assets and Fails to Load.