RunUAT.bat ERROR: AutomationTool unsuccessful

I’m attempting to package my game using 4.7.3 and it fails on the AutomationTool. After doing some research about this issue, I tried to look at the Cook.txt as per the Output Log: CommandUtils.RunCommandlet: Commandlet log file is C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\F+Unreal+Engine+Epic+Games+4.7\Cook.txt

Unfortunately, the file does not exist along with several other files that I see in my 4.6 folder, and I’m drawing a blank on what the issue could be.

EDIT1: Is it possible that my Perforce repo is messing up the content cooking somehow? Maybe the AutomationTool is failing because it doesn’t have access to all the assets because they’re not checked out?

EDIT2: I’ve upgraded to UE 4.7.4 and the problem still persists. I’ve attached the UAT_Log.txt from when I attempted to package the game: link text

Hi ProlixLegend,

Unfortunately, the AutomationTool error is very generic and could refer to many things. Firstly, can you update to 4.7.4? We had many crashes and bugs fixed entered for that update. Next, can you try your package again, and if it fails can you attach your entire output logs to this thread as a txt file? It will be much easier to read that way.

Thanks very much!

I’ve updated the engine to 4.7.4 and the issue still remains. I’ve attached the log as a text file as well.

4.7.5 didn’t fix the issue either. Same result is produced.

Updating to a newer version of the engine does seem to have fixed this issues.

Hey ProlixLegend,

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, and we appreciate your patience while awaiting a response. In order to assist you in an effective manner, we would like to see if you are still experiencing the issue you are reporting in engine versions 4.8.3 and/or 4.9.2?

If so, would you mind providing some simple steps, screenshots, or any other relevant pieces of information to help us reproduce the issue on our end? Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,