Runtime Virtual Textures and cell size - ???

I am hoping I either screwed something up along the way or this is an issue which will be addressed later, but when I run virtual textures on my landscape, I can adjust the sizes so things look decent at a distance, but is a complete mess right where my character is. Obviously this is not ideal. is there a way to correct this?

No matter how I size the cells, I can’t seem to find a good balance.

Notice that while the tile looks ok close up, we can easily see the repetition at a distance.

Since I can not run Virtual Textures at the same time as distance blending, I can not adjust the tile size at a distance.

With distance blend / no VT (notice I can hide the cell repetition in the background)

With VT/no distance blend: (I lose the ability to change the far distance cell size)

I can’t imagine there is no correction for this. In truth, when I package the game I may not have to worry about shader complexity, but I’d rather not have the extra strain if I can avoid it.

Any thoughts?