Hi everyone !
I’m actually using RVT on a UE5.3 project and everytime that I try to open a blueprint deriving from RuntimeVirtualTextureVolume, it crash with the error :
“Assertion failed: IsActiveInWorld() in RuntimeVirtualTextureComponent.cpp] [Line: 242]
This function should never be called for a world where we’re inactive”
Hey there @mitra_rome (and everyone else in this thread)! Welcome to the community! This only occurs on RVT volume derived classes like the original poster correct?
Looks like the preview scene might be causing the failure here. Does a C++ derived child of the class work correctly? Though that’s definitely a bug, here’s a link to the reporting form:
Describing my case: I was trying to create an actor with RVT elements through C++. When creating a Class in C++, I noticed that there were pre-made class formats native to the engine, which would not require creation from scratch. I decided to use the templates that unreal offers. After creating the class in C++ I was unable to open the project anymore. I figured this was because I had actually created a broken C++ component, as I’m a C++ noob. But after discovering that there were already native classes that did what I wanted, I tried again, but with BP
I decided to create another project, this time without generating a new C++ class. I went straight to Blueprint, selected BPActor’s child class: Runtime Virtual texture Volume and the crash occurred again. However, I can still open unreal project in this case, but the BP RVT is deleted.
Complicated. Do bugs at this level take a long time to fix? I really want to test an idea for using the RVT system. It is related to the use of static mesh instead of landscape. I imagine that the only way to use textures as a store of data from one material to another different material, through contact, is using a special actor.
Unless the engine has another method of transferring data between materials.
Hey ! Some infos on this bug still happening on 5.4.1, it occurs only if some properties are visible on the blueprint, if I open the blueprint on small size (like on the screen here), it works
But if I scroll down through the properties list, it crashes on one property (I can’t find which one, but it’s after Streaming Virtual Texture category)
Thanks. There must be some way to hide this without having to minimize it.
And regarding the possible cause, this is really very specific. There must be a viewer there, like the little box where the material of choice appears, perhaps…