Hello. I have a working system that loads resources from .pak files, now I need to load not packed .uasset files at runtime from the build directory. I am creating a content plugin in another unreal project and building there. If I create a project with saving in a .pak file I cannot load uasset but can load contents of .pak files, if I create project without .pak file I can load uassets but I have errors in FPak modules. Finally, a question: is it possible to load not packed uasset
s into an assembly with a pak file? I think I am missing something, some kind of mount point or something else. Maybe I need to use some special mount points, or a special resource importer? Maybe I should use some special path?
I use FPackageName::FindPackagesInDirectory, i got array paths to assets, but FPaths::FileExists saying “file doesnt exist”