Runtime Transform Gizmos in ue4?

Can I use Gizmos in shipping game ? like this plugin in unity3d----------Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making

No and Yes

You can’t use one in unreal editor because it’s editor code and it’s quite deeply coded in to it to make it work in runtime out of the bat

But you can make gizmo on your own, there many ways you can do so, starting by simple meshes, draw it in hud canvas, UMG/State based on 3D data, or use same method which editor is using, which is PDI with SceneProxy. It quite low level, here example of PDI use in component:

Search PDI and FPrimitiveSceneProxy for more countless examples of drawing in PDI

SceneManagement.h also provides simple shape drawing functions for PDI

What about blueprint class BaseTransformGizmo and PitvotTransformGizmo? Whats their purpose?

If you look at source you will realize they live in ViewportInteraction module which is Editor only. So you can use them in editor and tools but not in shipping builds as linking against editor code in shipping violates EULA.