参照を弱参照にしたり、Package設定の"Exclude editor content"をオンにしたりと手を打ちましたが、理解が足りていないため解決方法になっていません。
Hey crosssoniky,
When creating a plugin. I always make two modules.
One is Editor. (Contains all my slate/Editor code.)
The other one is Runtime.(Contains Everything NON editor.)
Thank you for answer, Rene.
I know module type for plugin code.
So, I made two module, too.
“M2MI_Widget” module has a slate code, and depends “PropertyEditor” module.
”M2MI” module has no code.
In content.png, “EUW_content”(EditorUtilityWidget BP) has the slate which contains SObjectPropertyEntryBox(“PropertyEditor” module).
But “EUW_content” references some materials for runtime.
So, I caught this error.
PackagingResults: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ffe15c2287b UE4Editor-M2MI_Widget.dll!UMeshSelectWidget::UMeshSelectWidget() [F:\Projects\.....M2MI_Widget\Private\MeshSelectWidget.cpp:10]
MeshSelectWidget.cpp line:10
TSharedRef selector = SNew(SObjectPropertyEntryBox)
Thank you for answer, Rene.
I know module type for plugin code.
So, I made two module, too.
“M2MI_Widget” module has a slate code, and depends “PropertyEditor” module.
”M2MI” module has no code.
In content.png, “EUW_content”(EditorUtilityWidget BP) has the slate which contains SObjectPropertyEntryBox(“PropertyEditor” module).
But “EUW_content” references some materials for runtime.
So, I caught this error.
PackagingResults: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ffe15c2287b UE4Editor-M2MI_Widget.dll!UMeshSelectWidget::UMeshSelectWidget() [F:\Projects\.....M2MI_Widget\Private\MeshSelectWidget.cpp:10]
MeshSelectWidget.cpp line:10
TSharedRef selector = SNew(SObjectPropertyEntryBox)
Thank you for answer, Rene.
I know module type for plugin code.
So, I made two module, too.
“M2MI_Widget” module has a slate code, and depends “PropertyEditor” module.
”M2MI” module has no code.
In content.png, “EUW_content”(EditorUtilityWidget BP) has the slate which contains SObjectPropertyEntryBox(“PropertyEditor” module).
But “EUW_content” references some materials for runtime.
So, I caught this error.
PackagingResults: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ffe15c2287b UE4Editor-M2MI_Widget.dll!UMeshSelectWidget::UMeshSelectWidget() [F:\Projects\.....M2MI_Widget\Private\MeshSelectWidget.cpp:10]
MeshSelectWidget.cpp line:10
TSharedRef selector = SNew(SObjectPropertyEntryBox)
I’m sorry that my comment flood in this thread…