Hay i’m about to buy a new computer that has the Asus Mars Geforce GTX 760 x 2 ( Double GPU ) my question is, will the editor work perfectly? or do i nead an Nvidia GPU ? these are the compnents of the computer if there is any probleme please tell me: THANK’S
Processeur : Intel core i7 4770 3.4 GHZ 3.9 GHZ en turbo , 8 threads , 8Mb de cache Carte Graphique : Asus MARS Geforce GTX 760 X2 4GB DDR5 ( Double Cartes graphiques ) Mémoire: RAM : 16 GB Gskill Ares 2133MHZ DDR3 (8GB x 2) Carte Mère : MSI B85M ITX ( USB3.0 Sata 3.0, Ethernet LAN , HD Sourround Audio ) Disque Dur : Hynix SSD 500GB SATA3 Refroidissement CPU : Cooler Master Hyper 105