I did a bunch of cleanup on my actors/meshes/etc. because I’m new to Unreal and I made/imported a lot of assets that I ended up not needing. I seems that I made an actor blueprint called “BP_DC_Vial_C” that I ended up deleting and made again from scratch. Now, whenever the project loads, it gives the following error message.
As I said, my suspicion is that my copious force deleting caused some broken references or something of the sort and now I cannot run my project anymore. Is this a known problem? How do I fix this?
The DC_Vial_C blueprint still exists in the project and it might have some problems with the shader that I’m using? Here’s a screenshot of the details of that actor.
I tried restarting my machine, but no dice. I found this thread, but I’m not exactly sure what to do, since it’s pretty long and there’s a lot of suggestions. Is there a canonical solution?
Most likely You’ve removed asset referenced by another one. Be careful deleting stuff around and read those deletion messages. References need to be replaced with objects of same type not to run into problems like these, or carefuly treated.
I assume blueprint recompile fine, so if none of thread tips works (by deleting temporary they mean folders from proj dir like Binaries, Saved, Intermediate)
Try swapping said BP by swapping it with newly remade (you can right click actor in level to do so) or check instances of this actor on level, what do they reference and replace said material and static mesh with existing ones.
When moving stuff around fix up redirectors. Best is to display them and periodicaly each day fix them up. To display redirectors use this filter:
Also get accustom with VCS (version control system) which will save you from struggles when project won’t boot/play. You’d simply revert said change without much worry. It’s industry standard to use it. I’d suggest PlasticSCM - it’s easy to use and free for personal use