Running out of memory loading levels into level stream for packaging game, is there another way?

Hello, I am encountering a problem where I am running out of system memory when loading my sub levels into the list on the right hand side ready for packaging. Even if I make them not visible it doesn’t change the amount of RAM being used. I am using Level Streaming Volumes. I have seen that you can include levels with your build in the project settings. But I don’t know how to load them again? I would like to load them with blueprints. Any advice would be appreciated.

I’m not at a machine right now, but I seem to recall you can include all the levels in your persistent map, but they don’t have to be visible ( or loaded )? ( while you’re preparing ).

Hi, I am still not clear on how to do that could you explain a little more when you have the time. I need a solution for not having to have my whole project in memory when I need to package. If you need anymore info from me I would be happy to help.

Ok, just had a quick go on this laptop ( not ideal ). Just make sure all the levels except the persistent and not visible, and save the level, before you build. Does that not do it?

I will give that a go tomorrow and get back to you. so your saying that when i make them not visible i need to save the persistent level and that should clear them from memory?

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Yes :sunglasses:

Thanks I will try that! :slight_smile:

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