Hi there! Thanks for reading.
I feel like this should be easy to do, but I’m missing something. I want to slow an actor by an amount, and then after a delay, unslow that actor. The problem is im trying to call this event multiple times (actor is being hit by multiple ice attacks), and the delay is reset every time the event is called, so that the actor is increasingly slowed until its not moving at all.
I want each slow to expire after say ~2 seconds. Any advice on how to accomplish this using blueprints?
What you’re going to want is some way to ‘refresh’ the duration of the slow every time the Custom Event is called, as well as replace the Delay with a Retriggerable Delay.
I somewhat reproduced your situation, you should be able to read the logic even though its not exactly the same.
Edit: I should also point out that refresh is defaulted to True.
The Retriggerable Delay function was useful, thank you for that!
However, I still want to be able to have stacking slows that each end after their individual timers. So that if an enemy gets hit by 5 frost attacks, the enemy’s movement will slow to 90%–>80%–>70%–>60%–>50%, and then speed back up as each slow expires; second 3 60%, second 4, 70%, second 5, 80%, second 6, 90%, second 7, 100%, etc. Basically I need the slows to stack but each end on their separate timers