Running instead of walking


I’m trying to animate a dragon and it keeps running it nevers walk i don’t know why. Please tell me if you need anything else.


Need help please. UP

Need help UP

Did you set min and max speed in the blend space ?

Hello! Can you attach some pictures?

I attached 3 pictures what kind of picture do you need more ?

Strangely, I cant see them, only icons that they are attached and nothing more…

Re-check the values of the animation’s point speed nodes. Ensure that your character movement speed is not less than the last value there. I assume that’s an idle, crouch, walk, run. If that’s the case, you have to make sure that you’re changing those variables in the Character BP and updating it in the animation BP

The lowest speed is 0 and max speed is 375 (standard)

Can you see them here ?

Hello here’s my speed values (and animation explicit names) in the blueprint. I’m not sure that my speed is lower than 0 because it should show idle animation right ?


I guess i just find out … My Creature is that big that it goes to max speed too fast … I just have to increase the max speed … Sorry for that guys and thank you

I think that the basic speed for running is 600 and for walking is 300

Sorry, I didn’t get back sooner but yes, having no key pressed, you should have the idle because you have no speed set. The walk animation should be the same as just pressing w or your forward key, and the run speed should be the same as what’s set when you do shift+w or sprint input.


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