Running game on WSL (Ubuntu 20.04)

Hey guys,

I have a question running a very simple game on WSL. After struggling for a long time I finally got some things working but I’m still getting two errors which I cannot solve. I really hope I will get my answers here.

BTW I’m building the game myself with default settings and platform Linux.

First things first. I have the newest MESA drivers installed on WSL2 and these are “correctly” recognized by the game:

After a while I’m getting the following error:

It seems that the MESA drivers still do not provide all extensions (especially for WSL2).

Is there some way to disable the use of this extension in the game? Or can I ignore this error?

After a while I’m getting the final error and that is more disturbing:

It seems that CUDA context is not created. nvidia-smi shows the GPU correctly. I’m assuming that maybe it is related to the first error. But maybe some settings are not correct in WSL2. I’m kind of lost.

I can run the game through WSL2 btw, but it shows a lot of artifacts:

While running on Windows (through Vulkan RHI) everything works fine and I do not get any errors.