So the idea is pretty simple. I have a terrain which i have created by hand in Lvl_01
I then run an event which saves the locations and type of each block into a save file. (GetAllBlocks and the SaveData) around 7000 blocks total.
Then i load up lvl_02 which is blank (apart from lighting) and load that information in there. basically reproducing the map but in a single blueprint as ISMs rather than individual blocks.
(Eventually Lvl_02 will have additional steps but this is just where I’m up to now and serves to demonstrate the issue.)
So, the issue is that if i run “SpawnTerrain” at begin play, the game loads the terrain in instantly and my FPS remains at 120 (its capped at 120) during game play.
However, if i then run the “SpawnTerrain” in the construction script (so i can see what is going on while editing) My FPS tanks to 5fps and STAYS there. I put in a boolean to regenerate the map only once when clicked but it doesn’t seem to have an effect.
Can anyone give me any idea why this may be happening?
Incase: 13900, 3080, 32Gb RAM. running on dual 1080p displays.
What is this Counter event?
That would be me derping and pasteing in the wrong image, Fixed. Thanks.
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Ok. Apart from that, weird. I have no idea why it’s doing this… There’s the expected number of actors in the outliner?
Ill see your “wierd” and raise you a “weirder”.
So playing around with the file trying to find the issue, I created a new level and dragged in the blueprint. Instant lag, After playing around some more, the Lag only occurs when the blueprint is actually selected. And it doesnt matter what is connectedf to the execution pins.
I literally disconnected everything from the begin play, spawn terrain and the construction script. So nothing was connected to any execution pin.
So, it’s not even making blocks?
Is it parented by anything else?
Ye, basically reverted the BP back to a blank BP (it still had the code but none of it was executed). It still causes the lag.
I’ve recreated the project and merged in the other stuff back in to see if i can replicate it. I can only imagine that i have messed something up in the project settings. Will update when i have it figured out.
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Assuming that you have an HISM in place, the engine has been slowing to a crawl anytime since .18 whevener the hism collection is selected and editable.
To work with them, I just run bluetility scripts and manipulate them via code once they bulge past the 1000 or so instances which the engine can work with.
Not sure if that is whats happening here, but it does sound similar…
Note: if the terrain/blocks are highlited in yellow, than thats the case.