Running custom builds in MacOS will hang, unless the "Epic Game Launcher" is started?

Hey All, after updating to MacOS 13.1 and UE5.1 I noticed that anything that I built can only run if the “Epic Game Launcher” is started. If I quit the “Epic Game Launcher” then anything I build will just hang. Anyone else notice that? Or is that just me?

Reproduction Steps (failure repros 100% of the time):

  1. Install UE5.1 and add the LyraStarterGame using the Epic Game Launcher
  2. Open LyraStarterGame.uproject in the Editor. Game looks and plays normally in the Editor.
  3. Package/Build the MacOS game binary using… Platforms → Mac → Package Project
  4. Watch the Build Log, no errors or issues. Build finishes successfully.
  5. Make sure the “Epic Game Launcher” is still running and open “LyraGame” executable binary package.
  6. The game looks and plays normally. Reboot the machine.
  7. Login and make sure the Epic Game Launcher is not running, then open “LyraGame” executable binary package. The game now will only show a black screen with a spinning rainbow cursor and shows up as “Not Responding” in the Activity Monitor.
  8. Restart the Epic Game Launcher and re-run “LyraGame” executable binary package. When the Epic Game Launcher is running the “LyraGame” executable binary package will start up and run normally. If the Epic Game Launcher is quit then the “LyraGame” executable binary package hangs.