Hello everyone
now it’s been months that i have the rungradle problem rungradle.bat":app:bundleRelease i tried everything nothing works so please please help me and thanks in advance
Thank you but it doesn’t work
it’s interesting)) and if you try to pack an empty template you will also have this error?
and this plugin you turned off hopefully?
I tried to create a new project without modifying anything (apart from the “configure for android”) and I still had exactly the same error
and the SteamVR plugin is disabled
you have nothing to block the engine? Maybe a firewall … by the way, since you installed Java, can you install SDK Manager? it won’t take long
I tried but nothing happenned
But maybe it has something to do with Java ?
this method always works … the problem is different
if you create an empty project and don’t touch anything and just click to pack it?
I had the same error but I believe it is related to Java
you don’t have any other java stuff on your pc ?
I once had a bunch of versions at the same time and everything worked)
I think I know what the problem is
there is one and a very old problem)) not the fact that it is she but I guess so it is)) if possible, install the system language of the operating system English
I tried as you told me (the windows language has not changed) but I still have the error
it didn’t work but there I have the other problem of OpenSubsystem GooglePlay