Please tell me the set of console commands and settings that will make your computer have a breath and your fps have flow… Thanks… For what I can see is that setting less resolution console command set res will make it look very low QL but indeed it does not effect so much to the performance what are the other settings ? So you have a set already to keep the power low? Thanks…
use the scaleability settings
That’s a long answer is it all to make it shine or well go fine?
the viewport scaleability settings
set them to low.
Possibly upgrade your rig?
I only have a quad i7 with a 1060 and I am able to load the small city sample
so you either have a worse machine than I do or you are using too high resolution assets or textures.
with a 1060 I can run at epic settings for most things.
Starving yourself for 2 months to upgrade your gear will make you happier in the long run.
if you have a beter machine than me
then you need to learn optimization for your assets
megascans on lod0 can be massive.
Ok thanks Chris for the information
To answer your question @Neongho try these console commands
scale set DynamicLights false
scale set LightEnvironmentShadows false
scale set MotionBlur false
scale set AmbientOcclusion false
scale set Bloom false
scale set Distortion false
Also be sure to build the lighting for the level you’re using.
If your game is running slow then I would recommend UDK | GameplayProfiler to find out what your computer is spending its time working on.
Ok after adding these las commands it looks like something like quake 3 but pretty good in performance i have to say… Thanks those are what I was looking for.
if you target mobile scaleable
not desktop maximum
it will auto set those settings.
Cool rmmmmh i cannot figure out why… ???