Is it possible to run uncooked standalone directly from a uproject file? For example what I would like to do is create a batch file at the project root that would contain this.
start MyProject.uproject -game
That would allow me to share the project with others without them having to create a shortcut to run a uncooked standalone themselves. Thanks for any help!
You can find all the necessary information in the official documentation.
Running an Uncooked Game from the Command Line
When running from the command line, you must pass the name of the project you want to run along with the -game switch as arguments.
1. From a command prompt, navigate to your [LauncherInstall][VersionNumber]\Engine\Binaries\Win64 directory.
2. Run the UE4Editor.exe passing it the path to the project to run, along with the -game parameter.
Sorry I should have been more specific. I’m looking for a command to start an uncooked game directly through the uproject file instead of UE4Editor.exe. Does that make sense?