Run Jack Run - (Solo-Dev)

Here is a first look at my newest Unreal Engine 5 project. It’s an open world running game inspired by Vancouver’s Seawall. The goal as of now is to avoid the obstacles and collect the blue orbs to boost your max running speed. If you run into a person, you will lose some of your running speed. My ultimate goal is to make a horror game, this will turn into one, but I want to make something fun first and then turn it into a horror game. A mistake I made on my first attempt at a horror game. I still have a ton of stuff left to do, but it is finally taking shape.

This is running at 2k 60ish fps. I am running this on an RTX 3080 and a Ryzen 9 5900 X.

I’m not using any sort of DLSS or FSR yet. The biggest challenge and what took me most of the year to figure out was transforming the City Sample Crowd to fit more of the look of my game, getting it to work with the Mass Crowd System, and converting the crowd into animated static meshes to be able to hit 60 FPS.


Hi there @ThinVeil,

Hope you’re well and having a great week so far!

Love that you’re turning this into a horror game. I can definitely see myself running in total panic just hoping for a light orb. Whats your current “next step” with this project?

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Nice Stuff fellow Vancouverite, The true horror here is he’s running to get home on time to pay rent before his landlord raises the prices again lol.

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I am doing well, Thanks for asking.

My current next steps is I want to add more to my UI. I want to better represent the max speed when you gain or lose your max, I also want to show how fast you are going.

I also want to add a mechanic when you go up hill or down hill it will change your speed.

I also want to add yellow orbs and red orbs as well.

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Thanks Wez!

Lol! That is the true horror of Vancouver. He might be running to get to the walk in clinic before the line gets too long.

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Oh, thanks for taking the time to answer my question. I love the idea to show your speed with each orb grab. Any ideas on what the other colored orbs will do?

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Too real lol.

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I know for the yellow orbs it is something you can store, so when you lose your velocity if you hit an object or person. You can tap a key and it will give you instant acceleration.

The red orb I know I want it to have a negative effect. I think it will be something along the lines if you grab one it will cause you to slow down and stop briefly while you catch your breath.

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Oh thats an awesome idea! Can’t just tunnel vision to every orb you see. I can’t wait to see the horror elements :slight_smile:

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Getting that many metahumans to run well, even with a 3080, is a seriously impressive feat. I haven’t played around with UE’s crowd dynamics system much, but it looks really, really good in your implementation!



It seriously took me a few months to figure out that crowd. It was a very much a 1 step forward and 2 steps back process. The City Sample project was an invaluable resource to me and there is some black magic in that project that I just couldn’t figure out. I had to lose some animation fidelity and variation, and dial back my lighting and shadow quality a little, but I am happy with my results!

Just want to show off what I have done in the past couple of months.

I have fleshed out the UI, created more power ups, as well came up with a point system with multipliers.

The green orbs will refill your always depleting stamina bar. The fuller the bar the faster you will go.

The yellow orbs you can store up to 3 and use whenever you need too. They grant you instant acceleration, max speed, also you are invulnerable from losing speed from hitting people.

The red orbs will deplete you of all your stamina and yellow orbs, you will also come to a stop and have to catch your breath for a few seconds. Some of the orbs can change randomly.

I have added more to the world and created some tools to help me populate my 9 square kilometer world. The last half of the video is a small show case of tools, mainly PCG tools. Other than that, I have been fixing bugs and optimize, optimize, optimize.