I am working some code that gets a blueprint function by name, calls it and gets the return value of said blueprint function.
UFunction* func = Object->GetClass()->FindFunctionByName(FName("Testing"));
if (func == nullptr)
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(12332, 10.0, FColor::Red, "Could not find Function 'Testing'!");
FStructOnScope FuncParam(func);
FProperty* RetuenProp = nullptr;
FString Value;
for (TFieldIterator<FProperty> It(func); It; ++It)
FProperty* Prop = *It;
if (Prop->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_ReturnParm))
RetuenProp = Prop;
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(12332, 10.0, FColor::Red, "Found Return Node for'Testing'!");
Object->ProcessEvent(func, FuncParam.GetStructMemory());
I can successfully find and execute the function. However, I cannot get the return value as the CPF_ReturnParam is never set.
In my testing function, i simply add a return node with a string with text in it. I’ve also tried promoting the blueprint return value to a variable and no luck.
Sorry, I forgot to mention that I ran a check to see if it was getting any properties, and the return parameter property was showing up, just without the CPF_ReturnParm flag.
I have moved forward a bit, to this:
UFunction* func = Object->GetClass()->FindFunctionByName(FName("Testing"));
if (func == nullptr)
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(12332, 10.0, FColor::Red, "Could not find Function 'Testing'!");
FStructOnScope FuncParam(func);
FStrProperty* StrReturnValue = nullptr;
FString Value;
for (TFieldIterator<FProperty> It(func); It; ++It)
FProperty* Prop = *It;
if (Prop->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_ReturnParm))
StrReturnValue = CastField<FStrProperty>(Prop);
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(12332, 10.0, FColor::Red, "Found Return Node for'Testing'!");
FStrProperty* StrProperty = CastFieldChecked<FStrProperty>(Prop);
if (StrProperty)
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(12332, 10.0, FColor::Red, "Successfully converted FProperty to FStrProperty");
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(12332, 10.0, FColor::Red, StrProperty->GetDisplayNameText().ToString());
StrReturnValue = StrProperty;
Object->ProcessEvent(func, FuncParam.GetStructMemory());
if (StrReturnValue != nullptr)
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(12331, 10.0, FColor::Red, "StrReturnValue is valid!", false);
Value = StrReturnValue->GetPropertyValue_InContainer(func);
if (Value.IsEmpty())
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(12331, 10.0, FColor::Red, "Value is Empty!", false);
FString Text = "Lenght of Value is: " + FString::FromInt(Value.Len());
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(12331, 10.0, FColor::Red, Text, false);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *Value);
However, Value returns garbage memory. I’m not sure if its because of how I am trying to get the property value. I haven’t needed to use properties since before epic updated their property system.
Note: I had posted this question a couple of days ago, but for some reason when I edited the post, it said waiting for moderator approval. Which never happened.