[Rule check] Isn't it against the TOS for Seller to increase price during Event sales?

  1. Epic should lock prices so that if a Seller agrees to a Special Event sale, that they cannot increase their price during sale duration.
  2. Epic should send a Global notice to all Sellers, that they are not allowed to increase the price of assets during a % sale duration, if they agreed to the sale.

Epic Marketplace started a 70% Event sale on May 3rd, and advertised that it lasts until May 7.

  • By clicking on the banner ad, it look me to a list of assets (which means the Sellers agreed to the Special Sale Event, and it was not a manual price reduction that I found).

  • I added an asset to the cart on May 3rd, for ~$8.99. I asked the dev two questions. He answered.

  • Now I refresh the page on May 5th (two days left of the sale), and he increased the price to $14.99 (still 70% off, but he increased the total price).

  • This is fraudulent and unfair. I usually add intended items to the cart, but do not check out until Sunday, so that Epic/my card doesn’t flag for too many small transactions, and to give me time to read dev replies.

  • But by devs luring us in with a low price during a 5 day sale, then increasing it after we show interest, or if we wait for answers - is unfair.

    • This is the second time I’ve seen someone complain (in a question at the asset page), that a dev increased the price during a sale. The other dev avoided the answer and said ‘the price went down’ - which is a half truth. It went lower than the original price, but that dev increased the price during the sale.
  • Isn’t that against Epic’s TOS? Even if not, it is illegal according to Fair Business Practice law in my state.

Please correct your Sellers, thank you.

It shouldn’t even be a rule, it should be impossible for the seller to change the price during a sale…

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Agreed. It is so logical (suggestion #1) that I didn’t think it was possible for sellers to change the price after they enter a Sale duration.
But last month, was the first I heard of it; and now I witnessed it first hand. I hope we can get a standard enforced.

  • Also Suggestion #3: When Epic offers Sellers to enter a sale, they are not permitted to arbitrarily raise their price a day before the sale starts (without us knowing), to then say 70% is off. Because that would be a false sale.
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There is a lot of ‘dirge’ on the marketplace, actually. There’s a whole bunch of sellers who are churning out extremely average content, and keep turning the handle, even though nobody ( apparently ) buys the stuff… Pages and pages without any reviews.

You’d think they’d give up after a while.

( talking of dodgy sellers ).

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That’s unfortunate. After UE2, I was only reactivated in 2022.
Thus I buy to save time or learn an example of what I don’t know.
But I’m a solo dev without funding. So I hope they appreciate me - that there are still buyers who help Sellers, and also seek quality content :slight_smile:

  • (The hardest part for me is finding devs who make things the correct/best way. I can’t always know until I buy. Thus I must be selective with what I buy, and rely on fair sales.)
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I saw the same behavior during the last two sales, the price increase was a lot more common near the weekend, and it’s unveliabable more people is not complaining about this.

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Thanks for the information. I saw someone complain last time, but did not have proof.
And this time, I did not call out the seller who did this since he corrected it in time.

  • Notice to sellers: I will boycott any seller that does this and none of you will get future sales if you do this again.

  • When sales start, I spend days researching and putting items in the cart. I do not check out until Sunday. And I prepay Epic with the amount I will spend.

  • Thus if one of you sellers increase the price during a sale (e.g. “increase… common near the weekend”), to force my Total to be over budget - then none of you will get a sale (I’ll cancel the entire cart).