Ruins Regeneration Tycoon launch!

Hi !

I launched “Ruins Regeneration Tycoon” into Fortnite.
Map Code: 4351-0075-0503

:triangular_flag_on_post:Let’s revitalize the city by planting trees in the ruined city!
:smiling_imp:Use the gold you get from defeating enemies to plant trees and level up your weapons.
:+1:You can plant trees freely by activating the equipped remote control.
:evergreen_tree:Enemies move slower around planted trees, making them easier to defeat!
:jar:You can sleep in a sleeping bag 20 minutes after starting the game, increasing the number of days you survive.
:books:Gold is saved starting from the day you survive. Aim for the high score!

Map Code: 4351-0075-0503