Hi guys,
here it is a small project that I put together to practice some c++ in Unreal 4.
I’m releasing the source code too: Bitbucket
I hope that it can be useful for some people trying to learn c++ in unreal.
I’ve made a new/updated version using Unreal 5 available at:
Rubik's Cube Clone by Daniel V. Macedo
1 Like
This is awesome, thanks for sharing this with us
(Cedric Neukirchen)
March 19, 2015, 11:58am
Awesome (: Seems like a very clear project, though i have no idea about itween.
Thanks for sharing this!
Thanks! iTween is a very popular tweening plugin for Unity that is been ported to Unreal by Jared Therriault. Here is the post in the forum: [Open Beta] Procedural On-the-Fly Animation in UE4: iTween! - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums
(Cedric Neukirchen)
March 20, 2015, 11:40am
(: Thanks for the Info. I came across the thread once, but had no use of it. Will bookmark it for the future.
Pretty neat. I didn’t see any win condition in your code (unless I just missed it somewhere), you should add one. Maybe keep track of the number of moves and use it as a simple score mechanism.
Just commited the code for a win condition and step counter =)
May 2, 2015, 9:18pm
Sorry, i’m new to Unreal Engine.
Could you please tell me why i’m not able to open this? Says something about rebuilding, because of newer version but it won’t work
HI man i download it, clone it ,but i can’t open this project , which version ue4 you use?
Here is a new version after a few years Rubik's Cube Clone by Daniel V. Macedo