RTS game help - Terrain and Environment manipulation during Runtime.

This question has been asked a couple of times and either the answer is too technical or not applicable to current versions. Also, my requirements are slightly different.

I am on the process of creating a strategy game. It will be a top-down view, maybe isometric, and most likely in 3D.
Part of the strategy in the game involves manipulating the terrain to gain an advantage, which means, creating hills, valleys, mountains, and even water bodies.

The game is not real-time multiplayer, so the changes can be done to the terrain at say a separate stage of the game (if needed the game can be split into phases, like having a building/consolidation phase, before the fighting/action phase).

So the game plays kind of like an RTS and Card Game (MTG) fused together. The player is a wizard that has the power to manipulate nature in a limited manner. The player can create slopes, hills, rivers, forests, etc. to slow down the enemy or more impassable terrain like mountains, cliffs, and lakes. Except that some enemies like flying units will not be affected by mountains or lakes, and some amphibious units (like lizardmen) will BE faster on water bodies. So, the enemy units have to be able to pass through the terrain. (To put this into context, I thought of manipulating terrains, like adding hills or mountains, as if I was adding a structure/building, but then thought that it would become a barrier and prevent any units from moving through)

To make the gameplay more simple, the map area will be divided into grids.

Can anyone suggest a blueprint or helpful resources on how to create editable terrain and environments during runtime?

I really want to use UE5 because of the triple AAA graphics rather than other game engines so any help here would be greatly appreciated!

Hey there @xcritu! Welcome to the community! So Landscape manipulation at runtime is a hot topic these days, and the landscape edit layers system built into unreal isn’t meant to be worked with at runtime. This is usually why many of the solutions you find are incredibly technical. There’s only two ways down the path, either working extensively to make the landscape system editable (incredibly technical) or creating your own system of Voxels or Octrees or faking it with materials, etc.

Here’s a post from Joe Radak, a legend around here kind of explaining how much it would be to edit this at runtime:

If you were looking to maybe pick apart some other systems others have created or at least time some inspiration (or maybe a solution):

In my opinion since it’s top down you likely won’t need extreme fidelity, so going with voxel plugin if you want highly variable landscapes, or just modifying the world offset in a material on a tiled static mesh setup could also work.