RTS Blueprints Template

So after almost 2 weeks, I have my demo level complete! I can include a video if requested but only one more tiny step until it’s submitted to Marketplace.
During the creation of the demo level I found many, many bugs that were present because I never thought about Bot AI during creation. I built it with multiplayer in mind. Many functions needed slight tweaking to allow for Bot controlled enemies. After that was all cleaned up I took care of some small additions such as a game over screen. Everything is perfect now!
I never thought I’d get this far. It feels good.

So over the next few days (or however long it takes) I’ll be completing the final step. I need to make sure it’s compatible with 4.7 and fix it if it’s not (it was created in 4.5 and 4.6). After that I’m submitting to Marketplace.
Wish me luck!

ok, wish you luck!
we focus~

Good luck man … maybe a video and/or some screenshots would be nice. 8-}

  • Thank you for your support!

  • Thank you! And yes, I have a few screenshots. Below are some screenshots I used for my submission.

Which brings me to an exciting point. I have submitted this to Marketplace! Wish me luck!

This looks amazing , and this would be absolutely perfect for my team’s game. I can’t wait to see this up on the market place!

This looks awesome!
Do you have a status update ?
I wanted to vote for it but haven’t seen it yet…

MOAVGProductions: Thanks! I look forward to releasing it haha

Gaara: Thank you! I do have a status update… Sorta

I submitted it to marketplace and received an email saying it was going to be looked over and that I should receive some sort of response upon rejection or acceptance. A few weeks later and I still haven’t heard anything. Does anyone know why that might be? I tried emailing about it but still no word.
I would really like to start working on some more projects but I really can’t until I see this thing through to its completion.

You’re right , this is concerning. Wonder whats going on? No word in 2 weeks is kinda rude, no one likes to be left in limbo esp after completing and submitting such a substantial template such as this. If they continue to ignore you (really hope they don’t), one option could be to setup your own web store, which Ive seen a few users do.

This looks great for a RTS game :slight_smile: Can you make the camera to work like in the Hospital Tycoon game? It would be most amazing!

: Yes it was a bit concerning! However I did hear back yesterday! Not really good or bad news but I need a video to further demonstrate the toolkit. So that’s what I’ll be working on today! Thanks for your support, man!

Frequia: I haven’t played Hospital Tycoon but I can’t imagine it would be very difficult to change the camera. I’ll have a look at that and let you know!

After taking my time creating, editing, and finishing the final video for the RTS Toolkit, I have uploaded and resubmitted it. Here is the video. Thanks!

Hey everyone! Today the RTS Toolkit has been accepted and is up for voting!

Go here: https://trello.com/c/dnFmzEx7/296-rts-toolkit to vote for the RTS Toolkit to make its way onto the Marketplace!


voted, hope to see it on there soon

Voted ^^

So glad it finally reached this stage, exciting times.

Nice fog-of-war. Got my vote :slight_smile:

Crumbaker - Thanks for your vote! Every vote counts!

  • Thanks again! And yes, I’m very excited! I really didn’t think I’d ever finish this project. Now that it’s on Trello I couldn’t be more happy.

Frequia - Thank you! The fog-of-war was perhaps the most challenging aspect! Either that or the minimap.

It’s been a little over 48 hours and we’ve hit 30 votes!

Also, here is my Marketplace thread: https://.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?60100-RTS-Toolkit

I see it’s moved to Content Delivery, Legal, QA now. Congrats! I’m watching with interest. :slight_smile:

Thanks man! I got an email this morning regarding the marketplace setup so I think it’s accepted! Just a matter of time before we (hopefully) see it up there! Thank you to everyone who supported/viewed/voted/even gave this RTS Toolkit a thought!

Can’t wait to see this on the marketplace! Definitely gonna be a great asset for our game! Any idea when it’ll officially be on the marketplace?

What about character portraits?