RPG Turn based tutorial??

Hi guys, i want to learn how to do a JRPG or a RPG Turn based tutorial with Unreal. Does anybody know a tutorial to make these kind of games? I have looked a lot, but i can’t not find it. I would aprecciate a lot if anybody can tell me.

Hey, I had a similar question about a month ago (have a project to make my own game and decided to make a turn based JRPG in UE4) and so far I haven’t got many results (still trying to make a random encounter feature) but someone really helpful helped me with things like data tables and structures in this post (https://forums.unrealengine.com/community/work-in-progress/1450970-making-a-jrpg-thoughts-and-where-to-start). Also I’d highly recommend you use discord and ask a few questions there, as well as have a look at this website for any more info (https://aaronketts.wixsite.com/aaronk/single-post/2015/11/27/UE4-Random-Turn-Based-Battles-WIP). I’m not too sure myself on how these will work as I’ve not been able to make anything to actually play in my game but I’m learning gradually.

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Thank you very much :wink:

Ar you looking for something like this for battle system?


Check out my Turn-Based jRPG Template:
