RPG fully C++ only Custom Combat System and Movement System Fast Combat and lot of Abilities to use

Update 1:
I have added Particle Effects and Sound Effects To the Game! also updated the UI a bit
All Made In C++!

I first started working on this game of mine like a month ago, Initially, I was making a multiplayer version of this, using the concept one-server many clients, I even made a custom character movement from scratch using only C++ no blueprint. This was highly compatible with the server-client and is also a very lightweight client sending a char array of 6 length to the server, while the server sends back the location of the character in the server.

The server sends all the character’s location in the server to each and every client without data loss) and very high speed
tested this on i3-9100f processor…

It was good and all but the time taken to write code for server and client was talking too long…
So I decided to stop doing multiplayer version of this until I make the single-player version fully…

And I started doing the single-player version quickly, made a combat system( Fully in C++) with optimization in mind and the maximum determination to not use blueprint for any of my code…
you can check the video to see the combat system


As for animation and widget, I made a C++ base class deriving from their C++ base class so that the widget and animation blueprint can use my newly created base class’s public variable.
animation used are from Mixamo.

These public variables are speed, jump, block,weapon draw, attack etc for the animation class. as for widget class, it’s ability skill bar, current health, shield, mana, stamina, and entire skill tree.

//Technical Details
Combat System In my game has 3 Resource Pool Health, Mana and Stamina. 4 if you add Shield

There are 6 Types of Ability in my combat system
Namely, Single Target Ability, Cone Radius Ability, Area of Effect Ability, Passive Ability(Similar to single target), Projectile Ability and lastly Cone Spray Type Ability.
All these are fully functional and perfect!

Now for Ability Specifications
The Basic
Health, Mana, Stamina, Shield Resource Self Consumption.
Health, Mana, Stamina, Shield Resource Damage to enemy.
Health, Mana, Stamina, Shield Resource Restoration.

Range, Radius, Speed, Max Duration, Time Passed, Each Tick Duration AND COOLDOWN the most important of all

Some Additional Ability Type such as TELEPORT, FAMILIAR SUMMON, SWITCH PLACE(teleport for both target and caster), INVISIBLITY, PULLING AND PUSHING, STUN, ROOT.
some more will be added in the future such as charm, slow down, invisibility detection, speed up.

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY BUFF/DEBUFF system is also implemented
same person can’t stack the same buff (This is a major balancing move, without it people will spam the same buff on the enemy)

There are total in total 9 Types of attack
Divided in 3 equal parts
Elemental Type
Fire, Freeze, Shock

Physical Type
Slash, Pierce, Smash

Internal Type
Mental, Poison, bleed

And then there is this Damage Modifiers 1 + 9 + 3 = 13 Diffrent Modifiers in total
Specific Damage Modification, Type Damage Modification and Total Damage Modification…

Specific Damage Modification for Fire, Freeze, Shock, Slash, Pierce, Smash, Mental, Poison, bleed.
Type Damage Modification for Elemental Type, Physical Type, Internal Type.
Total Damage Modification Well applies to all.


And this Resistance Modifiers1 + 9 + 3 = 13 Diffrent Modifiers in total
Specific Resistance Modification, Type Resistance Modification and Total Resistance Modification…

Specific Damage Modification for Fire, Freeze, Shock, Slash, Pierce, Smash, Mental, Poison, bleed.
Type Damage Modification for Elemental Type, Physical Type, Internal Type.
Total Damage Modification Well applies to all.

There are these too ATTRIBUTES
Accuracy, Reflex, CriticalChance, CriticalMultiplier, AttackSpeed , CastSpeed.
and their Modifiers too
Accuracymodif, Reflexmodif, CriticalChancemodif, CriticalMultipliermodif, AttackSpeedmodif, CastSpeedmodif.

Health, Mana, Stamina Resource Attributes are also there. These Resource Attributes Increase the resource pool and also reduce the resource cost of spells…

**Armour rating **the most important of all is also there, How effective your damage reductions are also determined by the armour rating…
lets say you are level 100 but you are wearing Low rating armour, so you will get hurt more
This here is the formula DamageReceived = DamageReceived * ***((108CharacterLevel)/ArmourRating);

And Proper Level and Experiance system is also implemented…

I have created every thing needed for a RPG game.
now all i have to create are AI, proper UI and add some Skills and ability names…

ah did i forgot to mention, Every skills and ability have default icons with them, these Icons can also be changeable!

Here is the Video Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmeRt-XyzTY sorry for not including in Main post

Update 2: 06/08/2020

Hello Everyone!
Right now I am doing a smaller project for both Pc/Mac and Android/iOS
Which is a space shooter! (Free downloadable Demon Included).
Please Check Out This Forum Page. https://forums.unrealengine.com/comm…on-each-update
For More Information Please Check out this discord! : Punal's Unreal Engine 4 DevLog

So for now This Large RPG project of mine Is Halted and won’t be resumed until I release the Space Shooter!

Update 1:
I have added Particle Effects and Sound Effects To the Game! also updated the UI a bit
All Made In C++!

Update 2:

Hello Everyone!
Right now I am doing a smaller project for both Pc/Mac and Android/iOS
Which is a space shooter! (Free downloadable Demon Included).
Please Check Out This Forum Page. https://forums.unrealengine.com/comm…on-each-update
For More Information Please Check out this discord! : Punal's Unreal Engine 4 DevLog

So for now This Large RPG project of mine Is Halted and won’t be resumed until I release the Space Shooter!