RPG Engine Toolkit Tech Demo (feedback needed)

Not sure if all this is going to make it over into 4.18 hopefully they will sit on it for a while but RPG_Party is becoming RPG_GI_DataManager and is going from being a UObject to being a game instance since that’s basically what its meant to be. Initially I did not know of the game instance until most of the way though development but I knew eventually it would have to be moved there. This should also help the load times of certain things mid level change that will be updated and that leaves most of the processes of RPG_States to beginning level prep and Event Processing.

  1. I have alot of examples but it needs more creativity to create a game, this plugin + the example project only offer a veriety of game elements and examples that I thought would be common enough to merit example usages for the demo project.

  2. You can completely replace one interface with another as the interfaces are stored in the RPG Hud and are only executed via the interface state variable being changed. My idea is that no one really wants to use the interfaces or example elements in their system as everyone has their own idea of how things should work so most things snap in as lego peices. You need to look at the doc and the exmples to see how these peices snap. The base of everything data wise is RPGParty soon to be RPG_GI_DataManager.

  3. I know some that are merging this in with their project. A few things that brought me to the understanding that the base player has to be rewritten to be parentable to other peoples base character so you can automatically match your custom character to the system.

Submitted the files for 4.18 and the update for 4.17. Made sure that the missing ExtT folder issue was taken care of. I am still in the process of making changes to the over all system as well as converting some things to C++ Components since some things are so basic that having them on blueprint just makes things even more messy. Also I’m making a modular animation C++/BP object to help making other character anim BP easier and more streamlined.

I am having an issue. I followed your YouTube videos and I am on the third video RPG Engine Toolkit 02 Game Mode / Classes / Actors. I changed over the project settings when I use PCHero nothing happens. There is nothing. I can’t move or have any control. Also I set up an actor and a class. I use the ToriConfig and the GaiaFist config. I setup a folder in RPGEngineTK called datastore and I created a database file called source. When I play I don’t see any character anywhere. It is not like your video. I am using 4.17. Thanks.

email me with more info and i can also team viewer with you to look into it.

4.17 render crash issue:

RPG Engine Toolkit fix for Building Generation render crash: Add the 2 lines after the register component.

Hi , I really like your work. Now I want to create a game with a turn based combat system like in Final Fantasy VII for example. I’ve read that you wanted to make a tutorial about how to create this kind of thing with your toolkit. Is there anything new about that topic? Or do you even would like to add this as a feature to your toolkit? That would be wonderful! I’m considering buying the RPG Engine, I just need to make sure a turn based system is easy to create with it. I suck at programming! :smiley:

Currently I am making something kind of like that for my game but more action oriented. I’m also looking to overhaul the over all system “soon” but i need to get my prototype done soon. Ive changed alot and also increased the framerate alot.

Awesome! Thanks for the reply. I will just wait then. Keep up the good work . :wink:

is there anything like a discord channel for RPG Engine Toolkit ?

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Toolkit Progress: So I just made one of the biggest change to the toolkit/database. Before items, weapons and armor stacked on the instance. This has now changed to support a stack-able limit for inventory and all unique inventory slots for weapons and armor which goes along with the ability to have special singleton stats like materia slots, diablo-ish gem-ing or just boosted stats that the end user can assign to weapons. Still a bit left to implement in it but this should enable some cool front end usages. As far as done changes, the I’ve remember several redundant call backs. I have separate AI for field Operation and battle as well as added the ability to switch behavior charts on the fly. The interfaces have all been redone and cleaned up for modular design. I’ve made a few smart widgets like a list box for interface buttons with bind able click callbacks. I’ve added a inventory query list that can be controlled with simple functions to move the selection down a list of items with wrap around logic there in as well as the ability for it to display items/weapons/armor/resources via setup function. As for the turn based system this is almost complete as I need to add some features to be able to test out using abilities and to finally be able to set AI priorities and set AI assist targets for your party members AI. Last thing I redid was the way animation BPs are handled. Most of the movement calculations have been moved to c++ and supports MOB/NPC/PC movement calculations. The animation-BP loads all animations dynamically from the players Class Data object. This allows you to make child anim-BPs of the master animation BP to only worry about coding movement state-machines once with no re-linking issues. As for the master AnimBPs it now supports moving states to keep the transition logic for states cleaner. Move-mode are Normal / Sneaking / Prone / swimming / riding. This can be expanded via Enums. I’ve also tried to clean up how animation notifies are setup. The notify logic is now in a separate BP and can be modified easily. — Remaining items on my list consist of re-coding stores and inn’s, verifying that you can have forward progression in event creation with out having to start a new game to add events to the list to give you a forward progression of development. Adding in full support for weapon/armor stat mods as mentioned above. Looking into the AI crowd spawner and monster AI to make sure there are no issues there in. As well as find a better and more efficient way to display all the systems features in a cleaner and prettier presentation.

I’ll have video once I have gotten all features and changes finalized and I have tested in the creation for my game’s prologue / tech demo. This should solidify my ideas for better usage going forward.


I updated the page description to make sure that people using my toolkit are indeed coping the toolkit locally when making changes. As future updaes can reset your personal changes. Especially when 4.0 is released.