Trying to think of a better flow for the video tutorial. I’ve gotten some feedback that not every aspect is straightforward. I’m looking for more feedback in order to make sure that everyone can understand easier.
Again all feedback is needed. Both positive and negative.
Submitted 4.14 and a fix to 4.13 issue where PC Hero isnt always created as the default actor. I’m not how they will do this but they noted only supporting the last 3 engine versions. So I’m not sure if they will phase out 4.11 plugin verison.
I think you can make what ever your heart desires but I think you can. The battle system would be what you would need to create to the classic type. The example i give is an action system. I will do a classic battle system tutorial some time next year after i get some head way into my game dev.
Still working on streaming the prototype game example but I’m sick so I can really talk much so since im on vacation I’m probably get them done monday to thursday.
#ScreenshotSaturdays (I know its Monday but my videos have been corrupting since Saturday :P)
So I finally got done with updating my NPC Generator, I got my new character base added as well as a few cloths i quickly through together to test full body morph support for all the character meshes. As well as getting to test the full range of face morphs for characters. I eventually will extend this to do a custom character creation set for my game characters to allow them to create their own custom character. Might also add a way to make changes actively during the game as well. I’m glad to finally be done for the most part with my toolkit and now I can stat my dream game. Hope this is the start of awesome!
What I am mostly interested in to know is…how deep is the skill system? And by that I mean does it have this, or can this things be made with it:
health regen/health degeneration - conditions (with using skills)
use skill to get x amount of health regen for each condition on you
get x mana for each condition on enemy
skill cast time and bar for it - with it in mind, interrupt skills: - interrupt a skill and set it’s cooldown for +x amount of seconds. - if you interrupt a skill target enemy lose mana/health
increase attack speed for certain %, same as move speed, or slow speed by certain % for x seconds or even block chance.
for 2 seconds next skill/attack on you prevents x amount of dmg and heals you for x amount
knockdowns, aoe, range attacks, melee attacks, ai pet.
conditional effects - if target is knockdown this effect happens, if not nothing happens.
put “hex” (let’s say different kind of condition) on target. if target in next 5 seconds cast skill he suffers damage/lose mana
put “hex” on target for x seconds. target enemy suffer x amount of damage each time it autoattacks
condition/hex removal skills.
target ally can’'t be knockdowned
just few examples to describe you what I am asking you. How deep is your skill system cuz all I am looking for atm is a place where I can learn how to make rich skill system and AI companions follow me!
I am very new in this and I’ve found your rpg toolkit in which I am interested!
I have a dream of making small rpg game (arena game or dungeon crawler/instanced game with various levels) with rich skill set (over 200 skills) and skill deck builder (you can only use 12 skills at time).
It would mean that you have to be careful which skills you want to use, to make cool combinations and builds (find combos/skills that work together).
Standard classes like warrior, healer, mage, ranger and debuffer (guy that uses hex skills). Dual class system.
Hunt monsters to capture skills from them!
How your rpg toolkit could serve me in that department? I am on a long road, but good start would always help!
In short no, that is very specific and handling of that changes per person. This is on reason i state that this is not a make game button its a help in the direction.
I have an example of enemy health regen but nothing for the player. If you look at a few of my older videos covering making skills there is a customizable list of attributes that can be attached to skills that add enhancements or modifications to a skill. This only adds the ability the implementation is up to you. The only kind of implementation I have is for HP and MP recovery for items. The RPG Party class allows you to interact with the class member data. So if you have a skill that applies a healing over time you can set up a tick that will manage this and apply the update to the target players HP every tick. Certain things as implementation of a skill tree and specifics of skills has not been added as there are soo many ways different people will want to handle this for their game. My system lets you easily add things to a skill for modular configuration but implementation of said ability is still up to you.
Updated the main playlist to add the FAQ videos at the front as well as added early development videos that goes over repetitive explanation of a few blueprints as well as the database manager.
4.15 release adds a base for character customization This does not work with the stock npc and hero characters as those have no morphs included. I have also updated the morph list so you can assign a morph group and morph list to a npc and hero character using the Modular character template for npcs and the actor data for hero characters.
I also have added a new event type for those who need to know how to add your own custom events. If you diff the source code from the 4.14 and the 4.15 releases you can see all that was changed to do this. I also cover it lightly in the video below. The database defaults has been updated with the morph table that will link the actor to a saved list of morph data that can have a one to many relations. The table is called CharacterCustomization. Which uses the ActorID,PageID, CustomType,Title,DiaValue, RealValue as column names.
ActorID is the actor we want to like the list of morph data to.
PageID is the page we want the custom data parameter to appear on in the customization window.
CustomType is the type of customization that this will be. For my personal setup this ranged from Skin Tone / Morph Data / Color Data / Hair base / Hair Highlight 1 / Hair Highlight 2 / Character heright offset.
Title is the name of the header for the customization type.
DialValue is the value in the on screen slider bar.
RealValue is the value that is sent to the morph function / material parameter or what ever you are using to change the characters appearance.
This video takes about the changes needed to expand the software. As well as goes over the changes in the morph family object and how i use this to setup character customization.
This covers my flow for bringing in daz characters and all the morph data:
RPG Engine Tool Kit is on sale for the next 24 hours. I currently am thinking of better presentation for the many components of this plugin that can help those that have a hard time reading the documentation or following my nervous videos. I’ve seen many people show me their changes and mods to the toolkit so far and its really nice to see it helps others. They even enspire me for my own game dev. So if any of you wanted to wait for a sale here it is! And as always Happy deving! RPG Engine ToolKit in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace
Back on my game after a little break for FFXIV Storm blood and persona 5…
RPG Engine Toolkit Bug fix for the health hud being stuck on screen at certain times: I missed a force unenrollment call before the destroy actor in the monster spawner.
Not sure if others are having this odd issue but I just got an email where they could not compile the plugin because of an error in CityPathBuilder.h where a few properties did not have a specified category. Not sure when this became a requirement but this should fix your issues if this occurs, I’m not seeing this issue on my side and i am updated to the latest as far as official releases:
I’ll try to update this in the older versions as well as soon as 4.17 release ill update 4.16 as well. That should be happening some time soon i would believe.
Below are fixes needed for the Building Generator to load the layout files correctly. It appears that the helper files have removed the file path from the find files function. So I just had to add the path back for the file lookup to work correctly. This is needed in the BuildingGen and the City Paths cpp files. Fixes will be pushed in the next update.
Thinking about streaming my game dev to youtube if anyone is interested. I’m not one for talking but I’d answer questions in the chat if anyone is actually there and has questions about what I’m doing or things with the toolkit and stuff. Just note that I’m super shy and I will try to talk vocally if i can… if i get enough courage. lol. I’ll try a stream this evening est time I’ll be putting together a base animation bp for my game character with idle active and idle reset states, walk blending for speed, jumping, falling states for different falling speeds and a player damage / ground splat state. I’ll probably get into creating a base character actor to handle the movements as well as starting the player controller that will be used to control base game mechanics for my RPG. So yep that’s a thing…
Currently refactoring the code to make it more condensed. Currently working on the battle system to be more structured. Even if it is a basic example of implementation I want it to be a little more polished. This will come with the other previously mentioned change to correct the event loading flow so you can have a forward creation flow with out making a new game just to test new event flows.
This look’s really interesting and I am deffo going to buy it soon, however I do have a few questions, since I am new to UE and don’t have alot of coding experience yet.
Can I make a playable game with this engine without having to modify alot?
Are the graphics easy to be changed? (Graphics of mini map for example).
Can this be added to a existing project?
Those are the two main questions I have before I buy this package. As for the rest, very good job! Looks amazing.