I am trying to let a dedicated server print a log message through a RPC on an actor which gets called by a client. The idea is this:
- PlayerController sends a RPC to the server to spawn a soldier (this works).
- Server checks if soldier is allowed to spawn → spawns it with as owner the PlayerController that made the RPC.
- Soldier gets replicated back to the client.
- Client “selects” the soldier through blueprint.
- Clients PlayerController calls a RPC function on the selected soldier.
- Server displays a log message (like the “received soldier spawn” message, see screenshot).
The last log message won’t get displayed and Unreal doesn’t give any warnings/errors (which it does do when I don’t set the ownership in step 2). Now I found out that even after assigning ownership to the PlayerController the role of the actor on the client isn’t set to ROLE_AutonomousProxy (which according to the internet is needed to do these RPCs). How do I set the ownership properly to be able to do these RPCs?
UFUNCTION(Server, WithValidation, Reliable, BlueprintCallable, Category = "BRPlayerController|Raiding", meta = (DisplayName = "Spawn soldiers on Server"))
void ServerSpawnSoldiers(const TArray<ESoldierTypes>& aSoliderArray, FVector aPosition, APlayerController* aOwner);
bool ServerSpawnSoldiers_Validate(const TArray<ESoldierTypes>& aSoliderArray, FVector aPosition, APlayerController* aOwner);
void ServerSpawnSoldiers_Implementation(const TArray<ESoldierTypes>& aSoliderArray, FVector aPosition, APlayerController* aOwner);
void ABasePlayerController::ServerSpawnSoldiers_Implementation(const TArray<ESoldierTypes>& aSoldierArray, FVector aPosition, APlayerController* aOwner)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("received soldier spawn"));
FActorSpawnParameters tParams;
tParams.Owner = aOwner;
ABaseSoldier* tSoldier = (ABaseSoldier*)GetWorld()->SpawnActor(mMeleeSoldier, &aPosition, &FRotator::ZeroRotator, tParams); //Spawn a melee soldier for testing purposes
//tSoldier->SetAutonomousProxy(true); <-- tried, doesnt change anything
//tSoldier->SetReplicates(true); <-- tried, doesnt change anything
void ABasePlayerController::TestOwnership()
if (selectedSoldier->IsOwnedBy(this))
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("selected Soldier is owned by caller"));
if (selectedSoldier->Role >= ROLE_AutonomousProxy)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("selected soldier can call SERVER functions"));
UFUNCTION(Server, WithValidation, Reliable, BlueprintCallable, Category = "Temp functions")
void ServerCallDebugThingy();
void ServerCallDebugThingy_Implementation();
bool ServerCallDebugThingy_Validate();
void ABaseSoldier::ServerCallDebugThingy_Implementation()
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("soldier log message"));
Blueprint of the PlayerController:
The spawning of the soldier:
The selecting of the soldier:
The calling of the RPC on the soldier:
The result on the client:
The result on the server: