Royalty Payment

Hi All,
i’m going to show to my client some product i made with unreal about the product visualization and configuration, i would like to know
-how the royaltys works,
-if i have to mention UE in my product,
-if the privacy about my scene and the 3d model of my clients is guaranteed
Thanks in advance

Well I’m not working for Epic but I tell you the information I got:

  • At the moment unreal is free to use for architectural visualization and it has been for the last years.
  • You have to mention UE in your product, see attached link.
  • If you create a built and don’t give away the source files then your privacy is as guaranteed as it can be with anything you give away on the internet. I don’t know of any case someone did extract source content from a built game or visualization. - It seems to be a bit saver than iCloud.

Hope that helps.